Originally Posted by
John I believe that you for some reason hate, Adobe products. So I am going to ask you to please link me to the info that you state in your post #55. "ACR will be near essential as it is a 8 bit package", this is confusing as I can set ACR to either a 8 or 16 bit. Now there is a Raw Converter in Adobe Elements and there is one in Adobe Photoshop so which one are you talking about.
Also found confusing as "in the case of obviously capable people it appears to be acr >lightroom>ps", where did you get that, if from a reference source please state or did you just assume that. Well for us obviously less capable people (of which I would appear to be one of) it is ACR>PS (Photoshop), if using Adobe Elements it is Elements ACR>Photoshop Elements, now if using Lightroon then it would be lightroom>(a plug in/elements/photoshop)>lightroom.
If you need a workflow for Adobe Photoshop, I will give you one mine, camera>Bridge (how I import my images into computer and open files), open Raw Files from Bridge>ACR>Adobe Photoshop (where I do what I need)>save back into bridge as PSD files, if I was opening a PSD files than Bridge>Photoshop.
As you have stated my times you do not use Adobe Products for you photography, this shows through as in your above statements, so please if you do not use a product do not talk like you know what you are saying about it, reading about it or someone tells you something about it, is not the same as knowledge gained from using the product. I myself would never comment on say Rawtherapee or Gump as I have not idea on how to use them.
John you have a great wealth of knowledge and speak on what you know from experience, if you do not use something or have no direct experience, there is no reason to not use the words "not sure", "I understand that", " I assume" before you make your statement.
Cheers: Allan