Originally Posted by
Collin, I have to agree, you do come off as arrogant. I've no problem with people offering advice, sharing their expertise and even, on occasion their wisdom. But perhaps if you were to deign to descend from that rather high albedo equine you're perched upon you might realize that there are quite likely just as many, if not more people here with equal or greater experience in areas NOT photography. I mean, good on anyone that can make a living out of photography but really, portraits and commercial work; just how much are you saving the world doing that? Sorry if that comes off arrogant but then, to me photography is simply a hobby someone has managed to make a living from, I think it's great but really, movie credits and doctorates? How do you know there aren't world famous surgeons, crack physicists or literary geniuses here as well, all with an interest in photography.
I learned a long time ago to be appreciative (note: not grateful, not thankful and certainly not obsequious) of the time, advice and wisdom someone is willing to share. But if that person can only share in way that comes across as condescending and patronizing then whatever it is they may be able to share is going to be lost on me and they're welcome to keep their sage advice to themselves.
Perhaps it is just that bit of I'm-successful-at-this-and-so-I-can-afford-to-be-arrogant mentality that is exactly the problem. I have no doubt that there are many quite successful members here, likely some of whom have made a lasting mark in the world "...and by golly, those folks deserve to be treated with respect..." Oh wait, most of us here just ask for C&C, discuss our interest(s) and enjoy; maybe we should all include our CVs, you know, to brag a bit, lord it over others and basically use it as an excuse to be brusque and off-putting, if not boorish. Hopefully no one will take offense at any of what I've written, I mean, I'm very good at the things I do and for that I deserve to be treated...well, as ones better. (it's nearly 9am, I'm not at all tired or even grumpy. Perhaps these things are better left said with an unclear mind...dunno.)