Love the shot! Nice one.
The only suggestion I have is that I would consider removing whatever the red thing is on the dock. I find it a little distraction.
Absolutely enchanting, im with shawn on the red thing but cant help but think you mean it to be there, may i ask why? and how do you produce the border?
I like the shot, the colors seem off (too much yellow, odd glowing hot color on dock) but that works in favor of the image in that it presents a different looking sunset.
Beautiful image John, but I'm also distracted by the red thingy
Wonderfully vibrant image! I like the red thingy because its warm tones connect with the warm tones of the sky and the reflection of the sky and because its position helps create the three-dimensional characteristic of the image.
Next time try taking your stroll during the pleasant pint.
Great image John, I like the way you have included the boats at the RHS as they allow my eyes to wander around the image. That's after I've travelled along the pier and studied the great colour of the trees on the lakeside. The way the light is bringing the tree colours out is just right. Just a thought maybe the trees to the left could do with a little lift of the shadows there?
Wonderful image John
I looked at this on my computer at work and thought it looked really nice, but when I got home... my home computer shows it so much better. Beautiful!
Thanks so much for all your comments.
It's strange really, the red thing on the dock is what led me to the shot. It's an Autumn leaf that was there (not placed). It seemed to me to provide a FG anchor to the composition. I have tried cloning it out but I have to say I prefer the comp with it in. Personal preference I guess.
John (Shadowman), the yellow glow is natural (not sure whether I applied additional saturation). However, I went back and de saturated the yellow channel on the dock and I prefer it. Provides a bit more colour contrast. Thanks for that.
Tried it Mike. Plays hell with my horizons but stangely, at the time, I don't care.Next time try taking your stroll during the pleasant pint.
Peter, I agree. If there is more detail there, I will try to lift it.
Mark, if you are using Photoshop, its quite easy - not sure about elements or the GIMP. In PS:
- The white frame is a one pixel border added to the image using Edit/Stroke after selecting the whole image.
- Then Copy the image (Background Layer).
- Next add the Canvas surround (Dark Grey in this case) using Image/Canvas Size. The canvas will start by being the same size as the image but I increase it by about 1-2 cm - depends on your image size when you apply it.
- Now Paste the image copy back onto the background layer. This adds a layer called Background Copy. Make sure that this is selected in the Layers stack. This should happen automatically but if it doesn't, just click on the layer in the stack and it will turn grey.
- Now go to Layer/Layer Style and select Drop Shadow. In the dialogue box that opens, adjust the Angle, Distance, Spread and Size to produce the effect that you want.
- Then merge the layers by going to Layers/Flatten Image or right click on one of the layers in the stack and select Flatten Image.
Finally, you can put another frame around the canvas by selecting it and applying the stroke action once more.
Have a play. Sounds complicated but it's not.
Excellent image and tutorial on framing.
John..the first I noticed was how beautiful this place is and then I saw the red thingie on the board walk. I zoomed in to find out what it was and I couldn't make heads and tails of it but I find it attractive and uniquely placed there. Good find, nicely captured.
Thanks BoBo, thanks Izzie.