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Thread: The Wood Pile

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    The Wood Pile

    Back to Burgundy in June this year.

    This is an image I 'saw' soon after we arrived at the cottage (gite) we stayed in earlier this year in the Burgundy area of France. I looked at it for quite a number of days before setting up the shot. I had very high hopes for it.

    But when I got back home and looked at it, it didn't set the fires burning in the way I thought it had at time of capture. I've been looking at it and thinking about it for a few weeks, which in my case is usually a bad sign. Normally, I know what the image is going to look like at the time of capture. With this one I thought I did, But now I'm not so sure.

    So, your thoughts would be appreciated.

    The Wood Pile
    40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L @ 28mm. ISO100. 1/250s@f8

  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    On the whole i like it and your contrasty sharp conversion (but then im a bit of a sucker for that look) i certainly see why you took it, Thing that makes it a uncomfortable image to live with for me is that Bl*@ŁY pallet I just dont like the modern junk influence... its like somebody chucked some rubbish off the back of their truck and ruined a quintessential ageless vista.....

    Im certain other will disagree but thats how i feel, so when you go back to reshoot the tree with you tokina, just hoof the pallet out and re shoot this one....

    Vignettes a little heavy at the top as well

  3. #3

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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Definitely a keeper. I've made lots of photos of stacked wood and none of them are as good as this one. Even so, it doesn't move me as so many of your images do.

    I wonder if shooting from a lower angle and closer to the wood would have made a more dramatic image. Don't know for sure.

    The image is good enough that if it was mine, I would probably take the time to eliminate the contrails and the tree limbs above the stack on the left.

  4. #4

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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Yes, I thought along similar lines regarding that pallet. But wondered if it was a deliberate intention of combining old and new methods of storage into one photo.

  5. #5
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Yes, I thought along similar lines regarding that pallet. But wondered if it was a deliberate intention of combining old and new methods of storage into one photo.
    Yup thought the same Geoff doesnt do it for me but some will love it.

  6. #6
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Could it be the bales of Hay on the RH side making it look like the ground is higher? They dont look like bales and so they king of catch your eye?

  7. #7

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    Re: The Wood Pile

    This is a nice image Donald. The only thing that bothers me is not the old Vs the new of the pallet. It is that the pallet is so bright that it dominates. A selective dose of curves or in PS, the selective use of the Highlight/Shadow tool would take the brightness down, bring out more of the texture in the pallet wood and improve the overall tonal balance. I might also be tempted to drop the wood stack in the frame slightly to take it off the centre by a small crop from the bottom. - All IMHO of course. I can post an example if you want.
    Last edited by John 2; 22nd August 2014 at 10:09 PM.

  8. #8
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    I like the image and your pp Donald, very dramatic look to it. Not so sure about the pallet either.


  9. #9
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Hello Donald: I can certainly understand your enthusiasm for wood piles as I have also passed by a few that cried out for attention. The two rear piles have an interesting stacking configuration. I would also add that the new pallet is somewhat out of place. For me, the composition is a bit too "even" as there are four distinct elements. I have never understood why we humans, who are so physically symmetrical, seem to prefer odd numbered subjects when viewing images.

  10. #10
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    In southern U.S. states "to be taken out behind the woodpile" was where children were punished or at least where they were threatened to be taken. That wood pile could camouflage quite a wide swing of the belt. Nicely captured. Maybe an added prop such as an axe or belt would give a bit of mystery or common place measure.
    Last edited by Shadowman; 23rd August 2014 at 12:15 PM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Thank you all very much indeed. You have helped me see what's not right with the image. I was so convinced of its potential when I saw the scene, that I was blinded to 'what is wrong' when I was processing it.

    I can't even remember now why I didn't think - 'Move that pallet'. Oh well, one to mark down as a lesson learned ... and move on.

  12. #12
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Donald seeing as how the pallet is getting a lot of negative comments, it seems to me that you have a couple of options
    1. Use the stack to its left as a clone source and use it to remove the offending pallet.
    2. Just ferret around in your sporran for some cash and return to your holiday location and re shoot 😊

  13. #13
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: The Wood Pile

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    2. Just ferret around in your sporran for some cash and return to your holiday location and re shoot 
    That would be much more the preferable option!

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