Hello Nina,
One thing you could try with shots like this would be to take multiple photos with different exposures and then staking them. This would allow you to get better color and contrast in the sky while not losing all detail in the boats.
As far as this shot, I would just add a little contrast and call it good. Something like this.
I don't know if you are ok with people tinkering with your shots. Let me know if you would like me to remove it.
I think the boats look too dark and I prefer my version better but thank you for your suggestion.
Hi Nina,
Firstly, welcome to CiC.
It's very much pot luck as to the light you are going to get at the location where you are. The golden rule is for shooting both sunrise and sunset be there from half an hour before to half an hour afterwards and the sky will change continuously.
In addition consider shooting when it's fairly early/late and using a long exposure where there are not significant moving subjects as here and a tripod of course will be essential.
You have certainly captured a glorious sky here.
I think there are simple things one could do in most any software to brighten the sky(which I do think helps, pictures are usually too dim when taken) without darkening the boats, like brighten sky, by one of various methods, then lighten shadows. By playing around with those things perhaps decent results could be achieved.
Thank You all for your suggestions.
Hi Nina,
Nice capture. How close were the colors shown in this image to the colors you remember? That is where I have trouble with sunsets, the colors captured by the camera never match what I am seeing. I even tried the "sunset" camera preset which stated that it would provide more vivid reds but my colors come out yellow in tone similar to yours. I find that when I underexpose the sky, the colors are more vivid and closer to what I am seeing, granted that usually renders my foreground very dark but that can be fixed in post-processing or I can use a filter to compensate.
Thank You Shadowman, the colors in the sky are ver close to what I saw, but the water color was a deeper shade, same tone but deeper.
Welcome Nina, I like the image with lovely skyI don't know which software you use but If you are a fan of sunset shots, I would suggest that you should have a good software for post processing , because you usually have to make local adjustments to the image. I use PS CC and 'layers ' function helps a lot but there are of course other softwares in the market.
I actually like Shawn's treatment to the image as your version seems a little bit overexposed. I would also suggest you should take more than one shot for the same scene with different exposures so that you can choose the best one to edit.