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Thread: Hi from Edinburgh.

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Hi from Edinburgh.

    I managed to post this in the sticky rather than create a new thread a good start(not).

    Hi people I was recommended this forum after posting a question about how I could have improved on an image I had taken.

    Very new to DSLR cameras and currently have a Canon EOS 350D with a EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5 IS lens and I also have a EF-S 55-250mm zoom lens and 58mm 0.45x Wide Angle & Macro HD Conversion Lens . The last one I am not really sure of it's purpose.
    Hoping to learn how to take reasonable photos in all circumstances but not to become to OTT about it.

    At the moment the terminology is quite confusing as I am sure you will note when I post my newbie questions.

    Names Glenn by the way. Cheers.

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Edinburgh.

    Welcome Glenn.

    The best way to get feedback is to post a few photographs that you have specific questions or problem you want comment on. Sort of light the fuse and stand back (do not need to retreat at all really)....

    Make sure you read the the info regarding methods of posting images. You may need to use the search to find the the thread.

  3. #3
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Edinburgh.

    Welcome sure will find help here...I was a newbie once -- this is how most people think here so thicken your skin and you'll be fine.

  4. #4

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    Re: Hi from Edinburgh.

    Hello there,

    I was up in Edinburgh for last weekend. There were some great photoshoot opportunities with the Festival, Fringe and Tattoo going on. Did you manage to get any? They could be a good start to your posting history.

    I spent most of the time using the EF-S 18-55 lens similar to yours but without IS and got some super shots, particularly of a fire eating juggler and sword swallower using the Continuous drive mode on the Canon I was carrying (EOS 40D). If I were you I would switch it to 'P', the lens to AF, Auto ISO, Standard Picture Mode and start pointing it wherever you like around that great city of yours and you should get some great photographs. (How about the top floor of Jenners' balcony, that will be a stunning picture.) (And if you get down to the right position in front of the Scott Memorial 'rocket' on the opposite side to the station there is a neat shot of Sir Walter holding the clock on the front of the hotel in his hands.) You can also take your camera into the Portrait Gallery and so long as there isn't a very tiny notice telling you not to, take whatever you want. Cramond is good for a few and the Forth Rail Bridge has to be one of the best static models ever built.

    My next trip is in October, around the 20th, for a week to look after a very photogenic and friendly little dog.

  5. #5

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    Re: Hi from Edinburgh.

    Quote Originally Posted by KCBrecks View Post
    Hello there,

    I was up in Edinburgh for last weekend. There were some great photoshoot opportunities with the Festival, Fringe and Tattoo going on. Did you manage to get any? They could be a good start to your posting history.

    I spent most of the time using the EF-S 18-55 lens similar to yours but without IS and got some super shots, particularly of a fire eating juggler and sword swallower using the Continuous drive mode on the Canon I was carrying (EOS 40D). If I were you I would switch it to 'P', the lens to AF, Auto ISO, Standard Picture Mode and start pointing it wherever you like around that great city of yours and you should get some great photographs. (How about the top floor of Jenners' balcony, that will be a stunning picture.) (And if you get down to the right position in front of the Scott Memorial 'rocket' on the opposite side to the station there is a neat shot of Sir Walter holding the clock on the front of the hotel in his hands.) You can also take your camera into the Portrait Gallery and so long as there isn't a very tiny notice telling you not to, take whatever you want. Cramond is good for a few and the Forth Rail Bridge has to be one of the best static models ever built.

    My next trip is in October, around the 20th, for a week to look after a very photogenic and friendly little dog.
    Thank you for your advice. Will put it into practice once I have consulted the manual for adjusting the various settings you have mentioned.

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