In spite of all of the money I have invested in expensive Nikon gear, I still shoot exclusively with a single focus point and continuous focus mode. In Nikon terms I shoot AF-C mode and S point selection. I do so because historically, though it has its downsides, in my experience it is the only truly reliable mode of knowing what the camera will focus on in a given situation. But it seems a waste not to use the technology we're paying for and my first inclination is always that the equipment is fine and most problems are caused by operator error. So every few months I go through the exercise of trying the various "dynamic" area modes in the Nikon AF system. Most recently I did so when shooting BIF as posted in this thread
Well my recent results were pretty much the same as with previous tests. When shooting in dynamic 9 or 21 point AF, I seem to get more soft shots. Not really OOF but just not right. What's even more confounding is trying to figure out why the camera chose the point that it chose on a given shot as indicated by the focus point displayed when reviewing the RAW files in ViewNX2. And most confounding of all is that the focus point indicated by ViewNX2 will sometimes be in clear blue sky yet the bird will be in sharp focus.
To-date, I've never found anything other than general explanations of which focus modes work best in different situations. Never any real description/explanation as to how/why. So if anyone can shed any light on how the Nikon AF works, has any links to details/substantive explanations, etc, please share.