Grab a Hunk of Lightning is the sub title of this documentary about the life and photographs of Dorothea Lange. I was glued to the television last night when this premiered on PBS.
It is now available to watch online but I think that this will only be available to those in the US after a discussion with Donald on Facebook. It might be worth a click through to see if that has changed though.
Here is the link: Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning
There were many great images and quotes from this talented and courageous woman who really was a trail blazer for women in photography. She was all about seeing and getting lost in the moment and really cared about her subjects. Her granddaughter made the documentary and it weaves back and forth in time between her preparing for her MOMA exhibit in 1966 and her time in the field. Not only to we get to see the stories behind the images and her philosophy but we also get to see how she decides which images to include in the exhibit and how she 'sees' them presented as a group. That alone was a master class and I recall a couple of moments in the film where she put images side by side or in a grouping that really took my breath away.
She had this quote by Francis Bacon posted on the door to her studio:
The contemplation of things as they are without error without or confusion without substitution or imposture is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of inventions.