Thank's Dan, appreciated bud
Thank's Dan, appreciated bud
Awwwwwwww David...that shot is so good to look at. I have to start budging these snoring beasts home as soon as daylight so I can take care of buying that 100mm lens. Trying to find my purse in a dark little hotel room is a bummer!I already have a macro ring and a set of extension tubes and I am getting crossed eyed now... got to really head to bed behind this chair if I do not trip on Tucker...
Oh, btw your dragonfly needs a shave...![]()
maybe you should recommend your guys to your barber...Just a thought...
AAA (awsome as always) David.
That eye detail is so clear even with the crop. Ok, why the ISO640?
It's still pretty bug and critter-less here but did find a small dead crab this morning and wondered if a quick freshen up with a water mist spray would make it presentable but decided not![]()
Cheers, Grahame
What a fantastic shot.
This one even gets close to some work I have seen done using microscope objectives David. That is impressive. In that case though it would be dead / part frozen and the shots stacked.
Wow David !
That's a great capture and makes an educational shot.
I have never fully understood compound eyes, but this example seems to have a lower resolution set of lenses above 'the horizon' than below, where s/he'd strike prey from (and feed).
I also wonder if the pigmentation in the upper half is to aid contrast ratio of threats against the (blue?) sky.
I am also in awe of how you got so close, the working distance must have been quite small (e.g. about 50mm at a guess).
Amazing; well done,
Impressive shot and to be able to get that close more so.
Thank's Izzie, that trying to find the purse lark, is I reckon you gals get taught at finishing schooljoking aside looking forward to you getting set up and posting some images
Cheers Grahame, the reason for the higher iso was, I read that when using flash if you use a higher iso you will gey more light on the backgroundnever happened
Good call on the crab, I reckon it could of got quite smelly
Thank you Anne![]()
Cheers John, I like them alive and one day I will give stacking a try
Thank's Dave, I never thought about it like that, but it makes good sense, its all about survival to these guys
There was a slight crop in the image, the working distance was about 2 inches
Thanks Bobo, today I had them landing on metypical, camera in the house!
Hi David,
Just to add to the well deserved accolades! Stunning capture.. exceptional detail... so close-up.
Hi Christina, thank you so much for your kind comments, very much appreciated
David, this is an awesome capture.
Well this certainly gives me something to shoot for! Seriously impressive macro. And just this morning I was telling 'She who must be obeyed' that this time next year just might be a good time to upgrade my equipment. have you ever tried micro photography (microscope) with your gear?
Thank you Irene, glad you like it![]()
Cheers B, thank's for the kind comments, as for the microscope stuff, not yetmaybe one day but as far as I know most of that game is done with dead bugs
I like mine to be still alive
I am thinking about the seriously small stuff found in a drop of water.