it was series but another image not up load i will try post again
I like this image... However, I think it might have benefited a bit if the camera were pointed down a bit so as to cut off the topmost tree and include more of the boy's knee.
However, just cropping out the trees at the top would be the way that I would go...
hi richard thanks for comment
Nice connection between the boy, his environment and his goat.
My approach would have been the opposite of Richard's. I would have gotten lower so the boy wouldn't have been looking up to the camera. The position would have probably resulted in a tree "growing" out of the top of the boy's head, so I would have had the boy move to a different place perhaps to his left. If possible, I would have found a location that didn't have such bright highlights and intensely strong shadows.
Notice the strong color cast in the image. Correct that and you'll like the image, especially the skin tones, much more. Speaking of color, the purple pants are so distracting that I would convert this to monochrome using a green filter.
If you look at the image at its largest size, notice that the goat is sharply in focus but the boy's face is not. A smaller aperture (larger number and depth of field) would have solved that problem.
You used a shutter speed of 1/60. I do my best to use nothing longer than 1/200 in case people move. With young children and animals, I try to use nothing longer than 1/500.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 3rd September 2014 at 06:56 PM.
The image looks elongated on my screen. Anyone else?
Hi Vaez , nice imageI would crop the green part at the top as Richard suggests. I also agree with Mike's comments about the skin tones and purple pants.
hi mike thanks for comment and attention and suggestions
i use f:5/6 exposure :1/60 iso 100
i agree with you about sharp goat is more sharper than boy s face i think depth of field 5/6 is good
hi binnur thanks for comment and viewing
Never mind the few slight tweaks which could be applied to this image, Vaez, it is still a very good shot.
The shot is good but like John, I noticed that it is elongated too...
Nice series Vaez, thanks for sharing. That's one beautiful goat in the first image.
he live in the afous village his village is very beautiful the weather is very fine every day he take his flock to pasturage they not rich people but they are very happy