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Thread: Wrong mode with mode-dial

  1. #1
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    Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Hello everyone,

    I have a Canon 40D for some years now. Always worked like it should. For some reason my mode-dial decided to change the mode's. Sometimes when in AV mode, it seems to be in M mode. In M mode, it is also in M mode. In the jpeg pre-configured modes it does the same thing (for example selecting my c3 mode). change some shutter and aperture values and it shoots with those settings. sometimes when adjusting and switching to another mode, the camera decides to correct himself and selects the right mode. Fairly inconsistent behavior.

    Has anyone here had such behavior before with his/her camera?

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial


    I, too, have a 40D and have never experienced such problems.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    I can't say I have seen this experience in any camera; but can fully understand how this might happen. The most likely explanation is that the mode dial switch is defective; the solution is to return to the camera to Canon for repair.

    Before doing so; I'd try a couple of things;

    1. Rotate it rapidly 8 or 10 times to see if that does something. A bit of wear or material that got into the contacts could be the issue; and

    2. Remove your battery for several days to let the internal battery run down (you'll know that this has happened if your clock and calendar reset upon restart). Forcing a camera to a hard restart, rather than waking up from standby can sometimes solve issues, should this be a system rather than switch issue

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    If you are going to follow Manfred's second suggestion, I would remove the backup/clock battery rather than letting it run down.

    Intermittent problems are in my experience very hard to get repaired, for an obvious reason: if the repair technician can't replicate the problem, s/he can't determine the source of the problem (for example, the switch or one of the circuit boards or chips). If you can find one setting in which it always or at least often malfunctions, your chances are better.

    I don't know about Europe, but in the U.S., Canon seems to have a minimum repair amount for each piece of equipment, and for a 40D, it might come close to the value of the body. I would check with them. In some cases, it is cheaper to have it repaired by a local shop, if you have an authorized one.

  5. #5

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    I've heard of similar issues. Unfortunately as mentioned intermittent problems can be very hard to troubleshoot/repair. The only way to resolve the problem definitively would be to replace the 40D with a Nikon body, any Nikon body

  6. #6

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    As Dan mentioned, the cost of repair could be prohibitive; so perhaps it is giving you a nudge towards a new body.

    When I sent my 40D back for repair (new shutter) it was £100 for the stripdown, clean and reassembly plus any parts and carriage. That was using an independent Canon approved repairer.

    Personally, I though that was just about worth doing for what is an excellent camera. I mostly shoot with a 7D now but the old 40D is a handy backup.

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    The only way to resolve the problem definitively would be to replace the 40D with a Nikon body, any Nikon body
    It's okay folks. He's just hallucinating!

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    It's okay folks. He's just hallucinating!
    Just trying to contribute...

  9. #9

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I can't say I have seen this experience in any camera; but can fully understand how this might happen. The most likely explanation is that the mode dial switch is defective; the solution is to return to the camera to Canon for repair.

    Before doing so; I'd try a couple of things;

    1. Rotate it rapidly 8 or 10 times to see if that does something. A bit of wear or material that got into the contacts could be the issue
    +1 to that. As the owner of several old guitars and old amps, often stored in less that perfect conditions, that technique often provides a temporary fix.


  10. #10

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    In addition to the suggestions above, on two instances in the past I have found that strange happenings on a friends camera were related to accidental programming changes. These things are not overly complicated and not that any were wrong, however options sometimes conflicted depending on the mode. First step for me would be to start fresh by restoring to the factory defaults and check the basic operations. If the problem continues then you know you've got a solid program. If you find that everything is OK, reprogram your preferences from scratch. If there is still a problem on default, switches that get used a lot can also just get dirty. A blast of canned air or a formal cleaning might be all it needs. If it gets to the point where a new body is a consideration because it's beyond economical repair then I would hit it with contact cleaner. What's it going to hurt?

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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    I find my 7D sometimes throws a wobbly - discovered it seems to happen when I change a lens when the camera has gone into standby. It gives an error code and suggests battery removal to reset. Usually works but sometimes needs the lens removing and then being replaced. I have checked lens contacts etc and they seem ok.

  12. #12
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Hello again,

    First, thanks for al the answers. Second, sorry for the late reaction in my own thread, it may have been rude not replying sooner.
    I have tried the first option from Manfred. It didn't help though. Warned by Dan's reply I didn't try the second. After some days of just shooting fully manual (and failing some shots due to blown highlights) I found that my battery grip (original Canon grip) seems to influence the behavior. When I turn off the functions of the grip, the mode functions most times as it should. When the grip is detached, the problem is completely solved. Maybe the contacts of the grip have problems.

    @ loosecanon: I have never had errors when changing a lens when the camera is on or in standby mode.

  13. #13
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong mode with mode-dial

    Reminds me of the old televison dials that would disconnect and if you placed it back on the spindle incorrectly channel 7 would show up as channel 2. See if the dial is loose, perhaps it became dislodged and someone replaced it.

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