8th September 2014, 07:17 PM
8th September 2014, 07:41 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
okay so thats strange, all my photos have gone, they were there when I reviewed the post and when i checked the final post - not sure what has happened, there were 4 pictures each under 750kb so no reason they dont show, well i guess thats a CC in itself then 
and now they are back but only two of them - weird
Last edited by marlunn; 8th September 2014 at 07:48 PM.
8th September 2014, 08:21 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
All four are showing for me.
For me, #1 is the best, I like the isolated flower, nice bokeh and with that one drop of water, great composition. If anything, just about dead center but right near the bottom is what looks like a (dead?) flower head that's slightly brighter than the rest of the BG, maybe consider toning that down so it's not so obvious.
For the others I'd say #'s 2 & 3 were equally good. I like that the flower color matches the OOF BG and the bee(s) add a bit of interest (and manage to color coordinate with the flowers as well.)
#4 is not working for me, the flower's a bit too dark perhaps and the lavender and yellowy BG seems to compete (and maybe clash) a bit with the foreground flower. Just my thoughts.
8th September 2014, 08:32 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
Thanks Jack, much appreciated, with #4 it was the strong contrast that drew me to the shot, not sure if it works as well as I wanted so pleased to have your view on that 
It was my first 'serious' outing (thanks to my yougest daughter!) with the fixed focal 50mm so I was pleased with the lens and will work with it some more.
8th September 2014, 10:20 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
I can see nos.1,3, and 4. They all look like nice images that could use a bit more processing. Composition and focal point look good to me. They just need a bit of pop. I really like nos. 1 and 3. Nicely done.
8th September 2014, 10:35 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
I can only see three. From Jacks description it might be the first one that I am missing - it might help in these circumstances if you numbered your images, Mark.
I like bee on a yellow flower and the bee on an orange flower. Perhaps a tighter, square crop on the yellow one to remove the empty space in the top right hand corner.
I like the bokeh in the orange shot, although the orange flower in the bg at the top is a bit bright and could possibly be toned down a little.
8th September 2014, 11:23 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
All visible, I like all of them for the composition, 2 and 3 for the additional guest.
9th September 2014, 01:08 AM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
This is a bit unusual for us all to mention, but the number I see is 4, 
All are very pretty. I do like the composition with the other flowers blurred in the backgrounds. I think I have noticed myself that more desirable compositions can be achieved with a bit of zoom rather than up-close macro. I like that style. Perhaps focus was a little soft on the main-subject flowers in the photos, but perhaps that was due to a farther range than usual?
9th September 2014, 07:51 AM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
I see all of them 
I really like numbers 2 and 3, but I think 3 edges it as my favourite!
9th September 2014, 09:17 AM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
For some strange reason, there were some posts I skipped a few days ago because I cannot view the images. On this one, I can see all of them and push/pull -- I love #1 for the extra drop of water; #2 for the colour of the flower matching the background and of course the bee; #3 is superb composition, not the others lack of it -- the simplicity of the composition is most amazing here and very pleasing. . and #4, though the background is a so-so, this one has its own merit too sharpness . And please take that little purple blue at the bottom of the frame...??
9th September 2014, 05:20 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
My fav is #3
9th September 2014, 08:17 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
Thank you all, my apologies, been up since very early this morning on the road ( 4am - UK) and just now got home ( 9:15pm). I will go over all your kind responses and respond more accordingly once I have had a bit of sleep
10th September 2014, 07:12 PM
Re: flowers on a 50mm
Dan, thanks yes at the moment not done any post process – will look at the raw files later when I have some spare time
Greg, yep see what you mean on the top right corner, will play with the crop on it
John, was happy to get the guests, they were a bit flighty as it was a warm day so nice to have had the opportunity to capture them to see how it works on a 50mm
Nick, agree, was very happy as to how the 50mm delivered the images, my daughter took one of the same type of shots on my 150mm macro and while it’s a good shot with a key focal flower and blurred background the overall feel and look are very different, the DOF and the angle of view make such a difference, she is not happy with it so I can’t show it ! The slight softness I put down to it being the jpg image from camera with no real post process on a 50mm lens with all shots between f2.8 and f3.5
Izzie, I see what you mean – strange I look at a shot to compose and final crop and still missed that ! as soon as you pointed it out – its all I see and it annoys me
Binnur, thank you.
All, thank you for your time and comments – most helpful, I think I am going the right way with these and have enjoyed the experience limiting myself to a fixed 50mm lens – an option I will choose again – when my daughter next ‘borrows’ my macro lens
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