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Thread: Well I never, banned for being honest

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Well I never, banned for being honest

    Like many I am on (was) two forums.

    I have just been banned by the IPP.


    As you know you can opt NOT to allow people to edit your images.

    I made the mistake of saying on a post that I downloaded the image, edited it, and have NOT re posted it but from what I did I think so and so would make it better, the Admin accused me of editing someones image so banned me.

    Had I not said I altered it to see what would make it look better, remember I did NOT re post it, no one would have known.

    Take care with honesty

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    As Schiller wrote "Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens"

    or "against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"

    I think you have suffered an attack of the stupids.

    Last edited by davidedric; 11th September 2014 at 08:23 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Assuming the Admin had not warned you about that previously, and if that had happened to me, I would be thinking "good riddance."

  4. #4

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Is it a crime to download photos and make edits in order to see if the edit looks fine before commenting ? I think everbody does things like that.

  5. #5

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Over the years I've opted out of a couple of different forums. In each case it was due to (what I perceived to be) arbitrary and overbearing behavior by moderators. And not necessairly directed at me. I agree, I'd consider it good riddance.

    I did get kicked out of one non-photography forum. "banned for life for trolling" showed up by my user name I had just joined the thing and found out real quickly that opinions other than those of "ownership" weren't welcome. I didn't lose any sleep over it. But I have to say after seeing the Hobbit movie it did retroactively bother me being called a troll...

  6. #6
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Here's all I have:

    "I don't want to belong to any club (Forum) that will accept me as a member." -Groucho Marx

    And dat's de woist 'ting I evah hoid! (Best Groucho Impression I can muster)!

  7. #7

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    (Best Groucho Impression I can muster)!
    Stick to photography, especially if a big red bucket is involved in the setup.

  8. #8
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    You didn't mention above that the Admin of the site politely asked that you don't download members images (baring in mind that by agreeing to the rules of the site you had agreed to this) but you responded in a rather nasty way and said you would continue to do what you were asked not to do as you personally felt it was ok to do so.

    You didn't mention above that you have been repeatedly asked to refrain from starting posts seemingly just to start an argument or that you have been asked not to act in a manner that is close to flaming/trolling other members posts.

    You didn't mention above that the admin of the site have had a hell of a job of late dealing with issues cause by you because members of another site where you have caused bother have actively hunted you down, created accounts and had a go at you specifically because they were so incensed by your behaviour.

    You didn't mention that other members of the site have repeatedly flagged your posts to the admin because you have upset them, repeatedly asked you not to be rude to them and repeatedly asked you to remove posts which they found offensive.

    None of this is relevant to CiC but as you brought it up I felt it was worth pointing out that the forum in question are not the instigators of the issues and that everyone there from members to the owner have asked you to play nicely.

  9. #9

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    All I did was to say that I had downloaded an image, altered it and then suggest that it may look better if you do this, I didn't re post the image, if I had not said I had done it no one would have known

    Here is what Admin said

    1. Jeremy
    as OlyPaul has stated NO to allow members to edit images please do not edit his images and then tell him you have done so but wont repost as he has said NO. He has said no to editing of his images please respect his wishes


    2. I then said what I said above here, I also added, I will continue to download images, and look at them to see if I am able to offer advice, so his final reply was

    3. His reply
    Jeremy please re read my post I said

    "I never said you did edit and post, the users settings state that they do not allow other users to edit their images, by stating that you did exactly that you are in breach of forum rules and disrespecting the wishes of the original poster, please do not repeat this in the future"

    based on your response I assume you do not intend to do as requested and respect the original poster wishes? if this is the case then I would ask that you no longer use the forum as we only accept members that respect other members and the rules of the forum

  10. #10

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    You didn't mention above that the Admin of the site politely asked that you don't download members images (baring in mind that by agreeing to the rules of the site you had agreed to this) but you responded in a rather nasty way and said you would continue to do what you were asked not to do as you personally felt it was ok to do so.

    You didn't mention above that you have been repeatedly asked to refrain from starting posts seemingly just to start an argument or that you have been asked not to act in a manner that is close to flaming/trolling other members posts.

    You didn't mention above that the admin of the site have had a hell of a job of late dealing with issues cause by you because members of another site where you have caused bother have actively hunted you down, created accounts and had a go at you specifically because they were so incensed by your behaviour.

    You didn't mention that other members of the site have repeatedly flagged your posts to the admin because you have upset them, repeatedly asked you not to be rude to them and repeatedly asked you to remove posts which they found offensive.

    None of this is relevant to CiC but as you brought it up I felt it was worth pointing out that the forum in question are not the instigators of the issues and that everyone there from members to the owner have asked you to play nicely.
    1. NO ONE has complained to me and NO ONE from Admin has ever told me about complaints, prove it

    2. I asked admin what this meant "You didn't mention above that you have been repeatedly asked to refrain from starting posts seemingly just to start an argument", I asked Admin to state where, when, what, NONE was provided.

    3. Name one offensive post that I was asked to remove.

    I was advising people here not to do as I did in case they upset someone in all innocence.

    Anyway in the interest of this forum I will end this post now and not reply again.

  11. #11

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Assuming the Admin had not warned you about that previously, and if that had happened to me, I would be thinking "good riddance."
    Is Admin "always" right, all the time, and when you respond you are bullied off, perhaps they prefer the subservient

  12. #12

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Join the Club Jeremy
    I have been banned from two photo sites that I remember .... once for advocating digital over film and when I went back a month or so later as a 'different' person I discovered the moderator/owner had discovered digital and was waxing elequently about his delight in using it .....The other site was somewhat justified in that I was promoting my anti DSLR bias and not answering the OP's question precisely but giving a logical alternative. Funnilly enough I now have a DSLR in the form of a M43 with all the knobs and features found on a DSLR, and some rarely found, being the advances in digital development.

  13. #13

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    Is Admin "always" right, all the time, and when you respond you are bullied off, perhaps they prefer the subservient
    It has been known. Mods here seem reasonably tolerant, though.

    Er, what's a 'IPP'?

    Last edited by carolus; 11th September 2014 at 10:03 PM. Reason: pregunta adicionada

  14. #14

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    1. NO ONE has complained to me and NO ONE from Admin has ever told me about complaints, prove it

    2. I asked admin what this meant "You didn't mention above that you have been repeatedly asked to refrain from starting posts seemingly just to start an argument", I asked Admin to state where, when, what, NONE was provided.

    3. Name one offensive post that I was asked to remove.

    I was advising people here not to do as I did in case they upset someone in all innocence.

    Anyway in the interest of this forum I will end this post now and not reply again.
    Seems best.

    Considering , it seems there are many sides to this story, maybe better to hold back opinion until get the side of that sites admin.

  15. #15

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by nimitzbenedicto View Post
    Seems best.

    Considering , it seems there are many sides to this story, maybe better to hold back opinion until get the side of that sites admin.
    Surely you're not suggesting that people should arm themselves with facts before formulating an opinion about something? That's completely contrary to human nature and would undermine every democratic government on the planet. Pitiful stuff!

  16. #16

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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    I might suggest that a fair number of folks that troll the net are intellectually bankrupt.

    Present site excluded mind you.

  17. #17
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Edit is OK… always want to learn!

    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    I had my fair share of bad experiences too… welcome to the club!

    "…intellectually bankrupt" I like that.

    Hey Dan, did you change anything to your hair? ;-)

  18. #18
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    All I did was to say that I had downloaded an image, altered it and then suggest that it may look better if you do this, I didn't re post the image, if I had not said I had done it no one would have known

    Here is what Admin said

    3. His reply
    Jeremy please re read my post I said

    "I never said you did edit and post, the users settings state that they do not allow other users to edit their images, by stating that you did exactly that you are in breach of forum rules and disrespecting the wishes of the original poster, please do not repeat this in the future"

    based on your response I assume you do not intend to do as requested and respect the original poster wishes? if this is the case then I would ask that you no longer use the forum as we only accept members that respect other members and the rules of the forum
    Seems to me that based on the bold highlighted comment from Admin above that you posted Jeremy you were not 'Banned' but simply asked politely to not use the forum if you were not prepared to abide by its rules?

    You had a choice.

  19. #19
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    I once got banned from a forum, several years ago, because I mentioned (a bit strongly) that I did not think dog fighting instruction books belonged on a site like Amazon and that until they stop carrying books on how to dog fight, I will not purchase from Amazon and recommended all other dog lovers to quit purchasing from Amazon.

    It so happened that Amazon had purchased the site on which I posted. I got banned but, a short time later, the books were no longer for sale on Amazon. That was well worth the banning to me...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 12th September 2014 at 12:07 AM.

  20. #20
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Well I never, banned for being honest

    What forum? A google search for some of the quotes turned up only this thread. Just curious.

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