For those of you that do a lot of focus stacking images, I was curious what you do with the series of captures AFTER you create the final, single, stacked image?
I have, probably, thousands of captures in Lightroom (series of images captured for stacking purposes). Until now, after I create a finished PSD file, I have still kept the grouped series of initial captures. I was just thinking, perhaps I should delete those files. They are taking up A LOT of disk space (and by association, backup disk space), yet are not really serving any purpose; after all, I've created the desired final image.
Then again, I thought, what if there was a new technology or algorithm for stacking, sometime in the future, and I wanted to 're-stack' the series for better results. Or maybe just reprocess the individual images before stacking, for a different result. Then, from that thought, I decided that I know myself too well, and would probably never do this. The files will likely just sit there, forever, taking up space. Well, anyway, those are my thoughts. I'm curious what you all do with your captures.