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Thread: Just wasting time

  1. #1
    arith's Avatar
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    Just wasting time

    Probably a waste of time; I was doing this for the B+W competition and then thought it doesn't look black and white or even sepia.

    Is it?
    Just wasting time

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Just wasting time


    Doesn't look like a B & W to me. But I still like it.

    What did you do? Is it something you removed all colour from and then put on a sepia tone? If so, was the tone put onto a separate layer? You could maybe reduce it. Or do you have access to other tones?

  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Just wasting time

    It was an OptikVerve B+W filter but I found it added grain which I didn't like and so I used pretty severe noise reduction, but then used Topaz Detail to get a melted look, but didn't go all the way.

    It might have got extra colours from Topaz since there are three sliders to control light adjustment according to how much a colour influences the light, I'm always using those.

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