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Thread: Here's looking at you!

  1. #1
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Here's looking at you!

    During my recent trip to Alaska, I was walking around the Kantishna Roadhouse located at the end of the road in Denali NP. It had been raining all morning and the rain had stopped and sky starting to clear. As I was walking back to our bus, I noticed several varieties of mushrooms growing underneath the evergreen trees. I was drawn to this one because of the way it was "looking back at me". Who says there aren't troll's living in the forests.

    Even though Alaska is a landscape photographer's dream, sometimes, you have to focus (pardon the pun) a little closer to get some interesting shots. I think I was the only one on our bus that actually noticed these and stopped to get some closeups. Some people have no idea what beauty they failed to see (or took for granted) that is right under their noses.

    Here's looking at you!

    Here's looking at you!

    Here's looking at you!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Here's looking at you!

    Definitely a face showing on the first one, Brian.

    I've recently been walking past some which have been partially eaten. Perhaps next time, I will stop and make a feature of the bite marks!

  3. #3
    Nicks Pics's Avatar
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    Re: Here's looking at you!

    Indeed, those 'Shroomies have some character. Not sure Iv'e ever seen those varieties, but then there are probably hundreds of them-mostly poisonous though! Nice pictures, and good spotting.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Here's looking at you!

    My elders (old people in our family) always warned us about touching or eating orange mushrooms when we were young -- it not because it is poisonous but because they make you giddy and laughing like a bai chi (an idiot). The only ones in my garden are all white ones...

    Anyway I like #1 -- it has more character.

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