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Thread: the only way i can get a snap of my 5 year old

  1. #21

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    Re: the only way i can get a snap of my 5 year old

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    If I threatened that they would do it anyway with knobs on...
    How about a "guilt trip"? "OK ... do it if you must. It's your body after all, and although your mother and I have sweated blood to try and protect you for this long, and if you want to ruin it forever by injecting coloured dye into the skin then it's I guess that ultimately it's up to you " (said with sad face and the demeanour of a broken soul, preferably as a little tear runs down your cheek!).

    Might work

  2. #22

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    Re: the only way i can get a snap of my 5 year old

    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    ohhh... i'm there with you guys on the body modifications already. =)
    lucky me.
    Hi Nik,

    To be honest, I'm not as violently opposed to them as I might be coming across - it's just I know how much I changed my mind at that age (in fact still do, although to a lesser degree). "Forever" seems to be "around 3 weeks" at that age, whereas of course a tattoo lasts a bit longer than that. Personally I'll never be getting one - not will I be getting any holes made in my body so that metal rods can be put through them for "decorative purposes".

    Call me old-fashioned, but I just like it that way!

  3. #23
    Bannacht's Avatar
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    Re: the only way i can get a snap of my 5 year old

    I don't have kids but all those baby pics. I've seen look precious indeed. I really like it here. Cheers!

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