Last year, I proposed my sons an exercise to sharpen their focus stacking
skills. Olivier (15yo then) said: "No problem… but I choose my subject"
Fair enough! …so after some last minute recommendations, I was his assistant
for the lighting, layout, decor, and other dirty works that someone must do.
He setup and configured the shoot all by himself (Dad, your in my way…
get me some apple juice.) and so I had no chance to tell him that the shot
is not only the car but also its decor…this part he omitted!
It was only at post-production that he noticed the mistake and called me
for help… I could only answer: Should I get you an other apple juice?
The failed exercise was only due to the fact that the car was beautifully
shot and covered with 37 slices but he did not include the background and
its details in the computer controlled sequence. That would have been
6 to 10 slices more and require maybe 3 minutes.
The car is perfect… but the shot is failed. — He was not happy!