It works! So here's another of my favourite model.
UPDATE 300908 Image withdrawn by request.
It works! So here's another of my favourite model.
UPDATE 300908 Image withdrawn by request.
Last edited by David; 30th September 2008 at 09:24 AM.
Very nice picture....I like the soft colors and the overall composition....The purples, gteens and browns spread nicely through the picture....
Of funny note, I think she is clinching her toes.....did you have her posing too long (grin)
Willgloss Hi - Thanks for the comment. I never thought to check the toes! However, the photo is the result of HDR technique where I took three consecutive exposures over a couple of seconds via auto-bracketing. The model was sufficiently skillful to hold a pose for those few seconds. Indeed, I shot some half-dozen poses, and in only one was a slight eye movement apparent between shots.
Well you do work hard (HDR)....I would like to see the EV-0 picture (and play with it), to see how it helps....I'm a hard case as I find I can PP the EV-0 as well as my HDR this point I take +- 0.7 and then work with the best exposure....
My suggestion for this is to clone some grsss to cover the clinched toes.....
Still a great Image.....
Hi David,
It strikes me that how you arrived at this finished image was hard work for both yourself, and especially the model.
For a bracket range of + one stop, I would have thought a single RAW exposure processed into 3 pictures would have sufficed (for the HDR treatment) and not required the breath holding, etc. or risk of spoilage due to other factors.
You may avoid the posed look (and clenched toes*) if more spontaneity was possible by just taking one picture at a time.
Nevertheless, the result is still a very beautiful image, so congratulations.
Any chance of sharing your Flickr URL, I'd like to see more of your pictures.
If you're interested, my site (Picasa) is available if you look at my profile.
Regards, Dave
* I didn't spot the toes either.
sunlight spots falling on here face are distracting!the tree behind her head looks like its growing right out of her pretty head!
in a 2 dimensional pics like these, the depth has to be carefully judged to remove such faults!..... like a member pointed out, her clenched toes are a big no toooo
breathing space above her head is way too much, for comfort... but the model is very beautiful indeed
Hi Dave - thanks for the comments. Regarding the HDR, I was experimenting to see if the technique could be useful in this type of photography. I think that I demonstrated that it is possible to do with a good model, but I'm still wondering if ii is worth it.
Regarding the Flickr address, I have some images filed under David_Ws at the following location: