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Thread: Misleading marketing email from Adobe

  1. #21

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    Re: Misleading marketing email from Adobe

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post

    Use Firefox, and install the Adblock Plus add-on. You will still be tracked, but at least most of the adds (not just popups) disappear.
    Yes, I'm using FireFox but just the pop-up blocker. I'll try Adblock plus, thanks for the info.

    [edit] just installed it. Off I go to DPR . . . Bingo! You da man . . [/edit]

    If you want a relatively low-level protection against having your searches monitored, use DuckDuckGo ( instead of Google or Bing.
    I'm already using Ixquick HTTPS which does searches by proxy. Often, though, I'm too lazy to use 'proxy' for opening links (disables scripting) so maybe I shouldn't bitch too hard, eh?

    Thanks again,
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 22nd September 2014 at 07:42 PM. Reason: nada mucho

  2. #22
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Misleading marketing email from Adobe

    I found addblock messed up my ebay access in under 1 day. Not sure why. I deleted all of the ebay cookies, Opera allows that, relogged in after disabling it and all was ok. I'd guess they have found some way of defeating it.

    Firefox is no problem for me. I have it set so that everything is wiped when it's shut down. I only use it occasionally. I became rather fed up with it when they omitted a number of short cut keys and one or two other things when Chrome came out.


  3. #23
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Misleading marketing email from Adobe

    Thanks for DuckDuckGo Dan. I'll give that a go for a while. I'm a bit cheesed off with google response times of late.

    As to other solutions private browsing tabs are a lot less trouble and should be fine if done correctly. I suspect Firefox has them as well.


  4. #24
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Misleading marketing email from Adobe

    Misleading marketing email from Adobe

    Well, look what trouble I started! I post a little rant, walk away for a day, and the forum explodes! [...quietly and slowly backs out of the room...] LOL. Sorry guys, didn't mean for it to get that out of hand. I didn't read all of the posts in detail, so I'm not sure how we got from Adobe's email over to blocking cookies and popups, but hey, at least some people received some beneficial info from it all!

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