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Thread: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

  1. #1
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    I was thinking I had a few days to relax a bit…

    "…please come today because the weather is fine and the grapes will not
    stand a day more of rain… we have no choice but to harvest today!"

    Here is a reportage on harvesting Sauvignon blanc and Pinot gris.
    It is at the same wine producer I worked for this summer:

    1. View of the slovenian wine gardens from the austrian border.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    2. At the entrance on the austrian side of the border.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    3. This is the Sauvignon blanc and Pinot gris garden.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    4. A larger view of the hillsides.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    5. May I introduce you: "Sauvignon Blanc" in all its splendour!

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    6. …and "Pinot Gris" (one of my favourites!)

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    7. The access to the slovenian gardens is through austrian territory.
    Sometimes, the border is in the middle of the road. The austrian side has a red-white-red pole.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    8. The Harvesters Start at to top. They pick up the grapes in the red containers
    and empty they in a larger one waiting at the bottom of the slope.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    9. Can you smell this? This is a feature lacking to my photography:
    proper olfactive experience!

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    10. The larger container are loaded on a trailer that will take them to the winery cellar.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    11. It's hard work… one might as well do it with a smile!

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    12. This is Wolfgang, the wine garden manager.
    The smile is justified by the great weather and the good work of the harvesters.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    13. This slovenian harvester is the assistant and the most experienced harvester.

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    14. Maybe, tomorrow I hope I will have a chance to take his great blue eyes if only he was not so shy and his wife so jalous!!!

    GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Today, September 9, 06:00, I getting ready for a longer day in Obegg, for
    and other harvest day and to photograph the following work at the winery.

    C&C welcome.
    Most shots are SOOC, 3 needed some minor tonal range adjustments.
    Last edited by Kodiak; 25th September 2014 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Great series Kodiak, love the self portrait #2


  3. #3
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    That self portrait is the shadow of #10 in the far distance, I think...same guy.

    Love the journey, Kodiak...complete with commentary. Looking forward to seeing more of your shots.

  4. #4
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Very nicely done. The images are not just a documentary - they are works of art. I hope, when all is said and done, you would consider making - and having printed - a book about the grape harvest, and subsequent wine making process.


  5. #5
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Thanks David, the only thing reassuring about the self portrait is that it's hand made!

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    That self portrait is the shadow of #10 in the far distance, I think...same guy.
    Love the journey, Kodiak...complete with commentary. Looking forward to seeing more of your shots.
    You're right Isabelle, it is the same guy.
    The title says "day 1", today will be day 2… let's see. Thanks for the comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    Very nicely done. The images are not just a documentary - they are works of art. I hope, when all is said and done, you would consider making - and having printed - a book about the grape harvest, and subsequent wine making process. 'Rie
    I should finish selling the actual book I made of this region…
    and you might have just the right idea for the next book! Thanks Marie.
    Last edited by Kodiak; 24th September 2014 at 10:16 AM.

  6. #6

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Loved the series Kodiak. Grew up in Austria (Klagenfurt) until I was about 12 yrs old and so much of what you show appears familiar. It's a great part of the world.

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Wonderful documentary. I would like to see the whole process till the opening of a bottle.


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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Loved the series Kodiak. Grew up in Austria (Klagenfurt) until I was about 12 yrs old and so much of what you show appears familiar.
    Thanks John,

    It's a great part of the world.
    Yes, it is. Mind you, after all the travelling I did, I come to the conclusion
    that the world is beautiful everywhere.

    I read a german citation the other day, translated, it will sound like this:
    —"The world is like a book, but whom did not travel will have only have
    turned the first pages!!—

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    Wonderful documentary. I would like to see the whole process till the opening of a bottle. George
    Coming up George… that's exactly the commission the wine grower gave me.

  10. #10
    KimC's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    What a beautiful series. My absolute favorite is #13. Looking forward to seeing more.

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    These are a lesson to us all, with sharpness and composition. You must have a link to heaven to get the light like this. I don't know how you get the detail of the face right in 13, when it is in the shade, without blowing the sunny bits. Number 4 is a lovely view and the grapes in 5 and 9 in particular look really succulent. I can't smell them but my mouth is watering just looking at them. They have a beautiful translucent look.

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by KimC View Post
    What a beautiful series. My absolute favorite is #13. Looking forward to seeing more.
    Hi KimC,
    just got back to the studio… I make myself a coffee and I get to work.
    I promise you more today!

  13. #13
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    These are a lesson to us all, with sharpness and composition. You must have a link to heaven to get the light like this.
    A link to heaven? So many told me I must have sold my soul to the devil
    for exactly the same reason! ;-)

    I don't know how you get the detail of the face right in 13, when it is in the shade, without blowing the sunny bits. Number 4 is a lovely view and the grapes in 5 and 9 in particular look really succulent.
    Ok, you're too kind, i'll give you a secret tip… come closer… more…
    the succulent aspect is conveyed through a blend of low keys and specular
    lights. Keep that to yourself… ;-)

    I can't smell them but my mouth is watering just looking at them. They have a beautiful translucent look.
    I knew it! I should have worked earlier and harder on the olfactive rendition
    of my shots! ;-)

    Thanks for the comments Tony.

  14. #14

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    All of them are terrific but I especially like the stories being told in the last two photos. Looking forward to more!

  15. #15
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    And I especially adore #13 & #14. All lovely but these are extra special.

  16. #16

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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Beyond beautiful! I think # 13 is a stunning shot as it is so clear ( as all of them) and
    the facial expression and lighting so very perfect.

  17. #17
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    All of them are terrific but I especially like the stories being told in the last two photos. Looking forward to more!
    Thanks Mike, Day 2 is online already!
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 25th September 2014 at 06:00 PM. Reason: added link to Day 2

  18. #18
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    And I especially adore #13 & #14. All lovely but these are extra special.
    Much appreciated Christina.

  19. #19
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    And I especially adore #13 & #14. All lovely but these are extra special.
    …maybe because he looks like the grandpa everyone would like to have?
    Thanks for the comment.

  20. #20
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    re: GRAPE HARVEST Day 1 - Southern Styria | Sauvignon

    Quote Originally Posted by ied View Post
    Beyond beautiful! I think # 13 is a stunning shot as it is so clear ( as all of them) and
    the facial expression and lighting so very perfect. Irene
    Irène, thank you!

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