Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
Hi Colin,

Picking up on Agata's view of the background, I tend to agree, to me it's looking well blown and possibly leaking over adjacent pixel's details (hair, etc.).

In your terminology, forget the 'nuke' and try something a little less powerful, perhaps a conventional 'grand slam' instead?

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the comments.

With white backgrounds - if you light them seperately you only need to go about 0.5 to 1 stop above what's required to light the foreground (after all, the background is already white) - UNLESS ...

... the backdrop is a sheet with creases in it - in which case you have to "nuke" it about 2 stops over. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with a white "sheet" until my white seamless paper arrives (ordered last week - chased today - no sign of paper nor reply from account rep )

All good things that the testing phase is identifying