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Thread: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

  1. #1
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    I went to start up LR today to do some editing and when the program booted up, there were NO thumbnails displayed. The frame for them is there but no thumbnail. When I went to the develop module, there was no image there either. WHAT HAPPENED? I've restarted the program multiple times, I've rebooted my comp and neither have worked. I have no idea what happened or how to fix it. I can't even import because there are no images displayed, just the 'frame' for where the image would be. HELP!!!!

  2. #2
    PhotomanJohn's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    My guess it that something happened to the library file. Are the photos still on your hard drive? If so, just import the photos again and all should be well.


  3. #3
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    I tried loading a different library with the same result. If I try to re-import, I still don't see any images, only the frames for where they should be. The files are all there on my HD. All the LR settings for each photo are there. The only thing missing is the image itself showing up in the library module, develop module and anywhere else there should be a thumbnail or image. If I select an image (or where there should be one) and select "edit in photoshop", PS opens and the image appears. I have never seen this and it's got me frustrated. I have countless hours of work wrapped up in my photos and to have this happen, puts me in somewhat of a panic.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    I tried loading a different library with the same result. If I try to re-import, I still don't see any images, only the frames for where they should be. The files are all there on my HD. All the LR settings for each photo are there. The only thing missing is the image itself showing up in the library module, develop module and anywhere else there should be a thumbnail or image. If I select an image (or where there should be one) and select "edit in photoshop", PS opens and the image appears. I have never seen this and it's got me frustrated. I have countless hours of work wrapped up in my photos and to have this happen, puts me in somewhat of a panic.
    If the folder is grayed out you can right click on it and choose "find missing folder".

  5. #5
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    As I said, everything is there EXCEPT the image in LR. Folders show up with the number of files in the folders, I can click on the thumbnail 'frame', hit the "d" key, go to the develop module, manipulate all the sliders, etc. The ONLY thing that ISN'T there is the image itself. The file itself, the xmp file and everything is where it should be on the HD. However, there is no image that shows up while inside LR. They don't show up for import. They don't show up in grid mode. They don't show up in develop mode - NOTHING! I just did a re-install (repair only) with no change. Maybe time for a full uninstall and re-install.

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    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    As I said, everything is there EXCEPT the image in LR. Folders show up with the number of files in the folders, I can click on the thumbnail 'frame', hit the "d" key, go to the develop module, manipulate all the sliders, etc. The ONLY thing that ISN'T there is the image itself. The file itself, the xmp file and everything is where it should be on the HD. However, there is no image that shows up while inside LR. They don't show up for import. They don't show up in grid mode. They don't show up in develop mode - NOTHING! I just did a re-install (repair only) with no change. Maybe time for a full uninstall and re-install.

    I had the same issue when I disconnected my external harddrive from my computer. The images were still on the HD, the files appeared in LR in the Navigator window, the files appeared in Library/Develop module but had a question mark in the right hand corner. I located the files through my standard browser, used the "find folder" option and re-established the original link.

  7. #7
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    Brian, if you can't get an answer that works here, I recommend that you post your problem in (you'll have to register first of course). Those guys can solve just about anything.


  8. #8
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Brian, if you can't get an answer that works here, I recommend that you post your problem in (you'll have to register first of course). Those guys can solve just about anything.

    Dave, that is exactly what I did. No response yet as of this morning.

    John, the problem is not linking to the correct file. I have not moved my files and the boxes where the images should be don't show a question mark. They just don't show the image. The image will not come up in any module. I can't see jpg, tiff, cr2 or any other file format in LR. Other programs that can read these files are fine. I'm stumped as to the cause, but more concerned about finding a solution.

  9. #9
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    I was able to determine the problem with this. It was the monitor profile. Once I changed it, all of the images came back. I have no idea what happened since I've been using my laptop without changing anything related to the monitor. At any rate, if anyone else comes across this problem, this would be the first thing to check as part of the troubleshooting.

  10. #10
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: LR5 HELP! No thumbnail or develop images

    Glad lightroomforums helped out

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