Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Sorry Dan...although I am alone here in my choice, despite the uneventful sky, I still like the second shot best, especially with the edit. To my eyes, this last edit has now complete the composition. I love it, Kim...I love first one too with the sun peeking in between the trees and as I said before I love both, but I like the second one best.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
I like them both…. I think your original framing of the second is better. It's a featureless sky, so adding more of it doesn't add much of interest, and your second version puts the shoreline smack dab in the center, which makes it less interesting.
Originally Posted by
As you can see from the histogram, the dynamic range of the scene is rather low…
Hum! …may I? The dynamic range is the capacity of a system to register
sound, light from infra red to gamma rays, or even movement. It is the
best comfortable working zone of operation.
I think what you meant, Dave, was:
"As you can see from the histogram, the tonal range of the scene is rather low…
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
I understand perfectly you feeling Dan, and I agree AND disagree!
I agree…
The tonal range is missing some pop feature and it is there! …but hidden in
a more rigorous WB tweak.
I disagree…
It is Kim's legitimate choice to render for the middle tones since this is part of
an artistic intent option and your'e right, it is a matter of taste. IMO, I like that
choice because it gives the feeling of being presented a "penetrable" scene and
this is where the emotional factor is. The strategy of "obscuring details" is the
invitation… one wants to get closer!
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
I think what you meant, Dave, was:
"As you can see from the histogram, the tonal range of the scene is rather low…
You certainly may! Thanks for the correction, and apologies to Kim for misleading her.
Do you agree that checking the histogram after taking the shot is good practice, even though the way it is generated means it is unlikely to be accurately representative of the RAW file?
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Do you agree that checking the histogram after taking the shot is good practice,
This feature IS the coolest tool digital shooters have over film shooters… yes, better use it!
even though the way it is generated means it is unlikely to be accurately representative of the RAW file?
This accuracy issue it pretty much irrelevant for RAW shooters since,
by nature, RAW files have a greater latitude than the eventual margin
of error in the interpretation of the file.
I wouldn't dare shout this statement as loud for jpg shooters though!
… as your accuracy statement certainly applies to the latter.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Kim, I like this one better than the first. A little work on the foreground shadows, HSL adjust on the sky to make it a more brilliant blue would overcome the "featureless" description, and add a little vibrance to the reds/yellows. Composition is very good and with a little adjustment, you'll have yourself a really nice photo. Fall is my favorite time of year. I'm a duck hunter and one of my favorite things (besides shooting ducks) is sitting in a duck blind and watching the sun come up and highlight all of the autumn colors. That's what "does it" for me and keeping my sanity of having to deal with work. Nice shots and keep posting your work. Those colors will only get better, I'm sure.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Hi Kim,
Just to say that I adore the first image for the composition, especially the beautiful light captured.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Hi Kim. I like the light and composition in #1:)
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
I disagree…
It is Kim's legitimate choice to render for the middle tones since this is part of
an artistic intent option and your'e right, it is a matter of taste. IMO, I like that
choice because it gives the feeling of being presented a "penetrable" scene and
this is where the emotional factor is. The strategy of "obscuring details" is the
invitation… one wants to get closer!
Daniel, thank you for appreciating the artistic intent. Does look like I need to find my histogram -- I have been working more with the light meter in the camera.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Kim, I like this one better than the first. A little work on the foreground shadows, HSL adjust on the sky to make it a more brilliant blue would overcome the "featureless" description, and add a little vibrance to the reds/yellows. Composition is very good and with a little adjustment, you'll have yourself a really nice photo. Fall is my favorite time of year. I'm a duck hunter and one of my favorite things (besides shooting ducks) is sitting in a duck blind and watching the sun come up and highlight all of the autumn colors. That's what "does it" for me and keeping my sanity of having to deal with work. Nice shots and keep posting your work. Those colors will only get better, I'm sure.
Thank you Brian. Curious what software do you use for PP? My brother duck hunts as well. He finds a lot of solitude in hunting.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Hi Kim,
Just to say that I adore the first image for the composition, especially the beautiful light captured.
What a nice compliment -- thank you.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Hi Kim. I like the light and composition in #1:)
Thank you for always commenting on my work Binnur -- much appreciated.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Captured this today - substantially more color & I like all the texture. Izzie, I think you will like this one as well :-)
#4 ISO 100; 24mm; F9; 1/320
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Thank you Brian. Curious what software do you use for PP? My brother duck hunts as well. He finds a lot of solitude in hunting.
Kim, I use lightroom 5.6 for my editing with a little bit of photoshop for panoramas and HDR. I've been using it for a year or two and am still learning little tricks here and there.
I find that doing anything in the outdoors really recharges my batteries and is better therapy than seeing a shrink. I fish, I hunt, I camp and, as you might be able to tell, I love taking photos. I have a P&S camera with me at all times when I'm out in the boat or in a duck blind because you never know what will appear in front of you. IMO, it's that it isn't about whether you come home with fish on the stringer or ducks on the strap. It's about having a front row seat to raw nature at it's best. It's just too bad it cost so much money for season tickets. :D
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Kim, I use lightroom 5.6 for my editing with a little bit of photoshop for panoramas and HDR. I've been using it for a year or two and am still learning little tricks here and there. :D
Thanks Brian I use Lightroom as well.
I grew up with hunters, so I do understand. My brother always shares such great stories about what he sees while sitting in a tree stand. :-)
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Hi again Kim :) Yes, this is a better composition with nice colors . Also the water with reflections adds to the composition. IMO the row of the trees on the RHS is a bit too much, I would crop the image from right to eliminate the orange bush(tree?) at the extreme right.It is also a bit distracting with its color.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Hi again Kim :) Yes, this is a better composition with nice colors . Also the water with reflections adds to the composition. IMO the row of the trees on the RHS is a bit too much, I would crop the image from right to eliminate the orange bush(tree?) at the extreme right.It is also a bit distracting with its color.
Thanks - as you suggested...
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Hi Kim,
I just wanted to say that I think you have a great eye for an image, which I hope will only get better with practice and feedback.
All the wibbling about histograms isn't about changing your vision (I really like the image that started this thread), it's just saying make the best use of the tools available.
I hope that by now you have found how to display a histogram when viewing your images, but as a Canon (and Panasonic) shooter I don't know exactly how.
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
IMO it looks better. You might clone out the stones on the bottom left corner because they are distracting a bit too. Even if you haven't done such a cloning job before if I were you I would try because your skills in cloning can only improve by experiencing;)
Some members might say that the two lakes on the left lead eyes outside of the frame and they should be cropped but I'm so in love with the scene that I wouldn't do that. So , if they say so please don't take my word about the lakes and crop them as suggested :)
PS. I hope nobody suggests :rolleyes:
Re: FALL magic in New England - C&C welcomed
Originally Posted by
Hi Kim,
I just wanted to say that I think you have a great eye for an image, which I hope will only get better with practice and feedback.
All the wibbling about histograms isn't about changing your vision (I really like the image that started this thread), it's just saying make the best use of the tools available.
I hope that by now you have found how to display a histogram when viewing your images, but as a Canon (and Panasonic) shooter I don't know exactly how.
Thank you for the comment about my eye..that's most important to me. Nope, no luck finding it yet. Still looking thou. Have to pull up the manual on my computer, so I can search it easier/quicker.