I don't want to seem stupid...
Petco Foundation is offering a contest for rescue and other groups who are asked to submit a story along with photographs of a particular animal that exemplifies the work the group does on behalf of animal welfare...
Applications will be evaluated on the quality o the story and photos submitted...
The stated requirements for photos are:
High quality photos are preferred (3648 pixels x 2736 pixels @ 72 dpi or 1-3 mb preferred)
My Canon 7D Raw image size is:
5184 x 3456 pixels at 240 Pixels per Inch or 22.5 mb
Reducing the pixels per inch to 72 results in 1555 x 1037 pixels
I don't know what they mean by dpi for a photo. I thought that was a printing term. How can I correlate the dpi requirement to ppi?