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Thread: Sunrise

  1. #21

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    Re: Sunrise

    Hi Trevor I like the HDR version and Karin's edit.

    You might also shoot a sunrise just from one of the windows, it might give a good composition

  2. #22
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    Hi Trevor,

    I don't think focus stacking is what you want. That does not affect exposure. It is just a way to get greater depth of field. I wonder if you meant exposure fusion. This is pretty much an automated version of what L.Paul suggests doing manually. Exposure fusion simply selects from each image the pixels that are exposed at a reasonable level, without any of the tone-mapping of HDR. When it works, it creates a more natural appearance. (It doesn't always work, because sometimes you want very dark or very light areas, and the algorithm will try to replace them.)

    The fusion program I use is a plugin called Lightroom Enfuse.


  3. #23
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Hi Trevor,

    I don't think focus stacking is what you want. That does not affect exposure. It is just a way to get greater depth of field. I wonder if you meant exposure fusion. This is pretty much an automated version of what L.Paul suggests doing manually. Exposure fusion simply selects from each image the pixels that are exposed at a reasonable level, without any of the tone-mapping of HDR. When it works, it creates a more natural appearance. (It doesn't always work, because sometimes you want very dark or very light areas, and the algorithm will try to replace them.)

    The fusion program I use is a plugin called Lightroom Enfuse.

    I did indeed mean exposure fusion. Thanks Dan. I will see if Aperture has a plugin for it.

  4. #24

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    Re: Sunrise

    Different strokes Trevor. As someone who's been at the barn many times at sunrise I prefer your original. Perhaps cropped a bit differently but the sunrise is certainly the subject along with its solitude and quietness. I find that the addition of all the angles and textures of the wood detracts from the sunrise. My eyes are pulled to the foreground in the later shots and I spend too much time looking for something there. A good photo on it's own but it totally changes the composition and focus and more importantly for me, the mood of the first.

  5. #25
    Doorstop's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew1 View Post
    Different strokes Trevor. As someone who's been at the barn many times at sunrise I prefer your original. Perhaps cropped a bit differently but the sunrise is certainly the subject along with its solitude and quietness. I find that the addition of all the angles and textures of the wood detracts from the sunrise. My eyes are pulled to the foreground in the later shots and I spend too much time looking for something there. A good photo on it's own but it totally changes the composition and focus and more importantly for me, the mood of the first.
    I agree with you, Andrew. I also like Trevor's original post better. I played around a bit with his post to see maybe what else can be done as an alternative as Trevor seems not entirely happy with his shot. but I also like his original better

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