Good use of techniques Greg. Sometimes, it's what you have to do. My only additional thought is that the highlights are a bit blown and could be pulled back a bit.
Nice capture.
Hi Greg,
I agree (completely) with John 2 - who replied first!
+1 to John2 -- hold it back a bit, Greg...a bit too blown up...otherwise the idea is there and the composition is great...
John, John, Dave and Izzie thanks for commenting.
I am fairly pleased with this result, so I am glad you all like it, too. My 'inspiration' for this treatment is some old photos from the 1800s hanging on my mechanic's wall, which, apart from age, are possibly also faded a bit from the sunlight so this rendering is probably a bit idiosyncratic ie the blown highlights.
While working on this, I wondered what photos taken today will look like in a couple of hundred years' time. Will photographers in the 23rd century try to emulate the affects of the old-time 20th century digital technology?
If the old film repro of the olden times still existed in the 23rd century...and hanging on a wall somewhere, it might be emulated. At the rate modern technology is advancing, our grandchildren's children will have big screens on the wall to show off their gallery of photo that changes like slides shows when untouched and anyone interested to see more will not have to wait, touch the screen to hasten the change manually or use thumb and forefinger to expand the shot onscreen, pretty much what we do with iPads and iphones, etc. I am wondering more of what sort of camera and the many changes will occur by then before a shot goes to the wall...
Izzie, I dream of that. I hope it happens in my lifetime - so it had better come soon. I anticipate major advances in display technology that will render print obsolete. Rather than individual pictures hanging on our walls, we will have dozens of screens such as you describe, that will run for 10 years (or more) on a single little lithium battery.