If I was to show up at a client in houserobe…
well that's because I wear no pink, have no blond hair, and am not ill! ;-)
Hello Karin,
There is almost always an issue when framing a vertical subject horizontally:
In three directions, the "headroom" does not support the composition.
And, like in this case, (though the artifact clearly reveal your attempt to lower
the key of the background) framing light colour hair subject on an equally light
background is not helping the separation of that subject.
Had you tilted you camera by 90° and move your position by 90° as well but to
the camera right, you could have succeed more than a just a lovely snapshot.
Photography as therapy! …cool idea.
[QUOTE=Kodiak;453671]If I was to show up at a client in houserobe…
well that's because I wear no pink, have no blond hair, and am not ill! ;-)
to me, the approach of the image is just a bit of humorous, impromptu street photography, something different, rather than a formal portrait
Very rightfully…
"you could have succeed more than a just a lovely snapshot." means that I
exactly understood the spontaneity of the take. However, when one adopts
given reflexes prior to shutter release, the chance to harvest more without
losing the quality of the instant casual snapshot is not negligible.
Is this your daughter?
My grand daughter who at the moment is demand attention, attention, attention! I am planning a more serious shot of her doing the same thing this afternoon
Kids are easily entertained...give them something to do with their hands and they will be at it for hours. My one and only granddaughter is the same...no illness when she's got buttons to press. That is why I gave her a Leapfrog Utra XDI. I was talking to her on the phone the other day, she pressed the wrong button and said OOOppppsss! then when I rang again she said "Xie-xie" which is Thank You in Mandarin.
This is a nice touching shot, Karin...very nice. I look forward to some more. I am a sucker for kids and dogs shots...
Nicely captured.
I love shots of kids with cameras, toys, dogs or just about anything that takes their attention away from the photographer...
Izzie, I also love shots of kids!
Thanks John and Richard for view and comment!
An adorable concept that works so well that it deserves improved execution in the future explained by Kodiak.
Very nice capture. Kodiak makes some valid points though.