Hey John. the exif says:
Camera: Nikon D5200
Lens: 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 Shot at 55 mm
Exposure: Auto exposure, Shutter priority AE, 1/125 sec, f/6.7, ISO 1000
Date: August 3, 2014 6:59:23AM
Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows
Field Of View: 36.2 deg
File: 1,092 × 1,599 JPEG (1.7 megapixels,
If this was an ISO test, it is conclusive: performs well at 1000 ISO
Colours: magenta cast
For an ISO test I see no concerns and would suspect that the results give you confidence to know what you can achieve as an end result with this ISO in the future.
Interestingly, I am also pondering over high ISO results at present following my marathon shoot. I shot many in Jpeg format only at an ISO that I was certainly expecting noise to be a factor in the results knowing the performance of my D300.
Of the batch the below Jpeg image was shot at ISO1800 (highest of the lot), 1/1000s, f/5.6 and has only had my standard sharpening undertaken to it, nothing else.
I'm asking myself are the Jpegs from camera giving better high ISO results than I can achieve in PP from a RAW?
Admittedly IQ is not quite so important in images such as this and all images were well exposed.
I think that you have a very usable ISO 1,000 camera, especially when you are not shooting dark areas. I tried this image with NIK Viveza-II and modified it two different ways to reduce or eliminate the magenta cast.
1. I increased the green slider a bit
2. I reduced both the red and blue sliders a bit.
Both techniques seemed to work. However, I think that I had more control reducing the red and blue sliders. The magenta cast is not necessarily from an over blue and an over red in the same proportions...
Piggy-backing on the above...
Although I can detect EXIF information when I use Mozilla-Firefox as my browser; I cannot detect it when using Google Chrome. I wonder how I could get the EXIF data when using Google Chrome....
I'm using Chrome at the moment and have loaded 'Opanda IExif' ver 2.3 to enable reading the Exif but it means you have to save the file to view the data. There was another download where you put the cursor over any web image and basic Exif was shown but have forgotten the name of it.
In addition to the very slight magenta cast, the saturation of the reds and orange seems very strong.
Out of interest I tweaked in LR (as it turns out a large tweak) just to see what look reasonably correct to my eyes on my monitor. I have not worried about looking at out-of-gamet warnings.
Adjustments were:
Colour temp +6
Tint -9
Blacks +27
Red -40
Orange -20
Red -50
Orange -20
As I was not there I have no knowledge of the actual colours and have just adjusted so it looks more realistic to me....goodness knows how my reality compares to the rest of you.
P.S. Anyway it is obvious that your camera is fine at ISO 1000
Last edited by pnodrog; 8th October 2014 at 09:40 AM.
YES! …that's more like it.