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Thread: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

  1. #1
    Tobman's Avatar
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    Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Does anybody use Apple Aperture? I use it (v. 3) and find that the noise reduction tool does little to nothing. I've updated to the latest version, and updated the OS, and still I see almost no effect from the tool. It seems completely useless. What am I missing? Any other ideas to improve noise reduction in PP?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Probably not what you want to hear, but NR in the current version of Lightroom is excellent. I virtually never use anything else.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Use FREE Noisware just do a custom install so as to avoid advert

    I dont use anything else

    NO malware here, used it for years

    Read a review

    IF you find something installed and you don't want it just uninstall what you don't want

    Found a really bad image so you could see the ONE click before and after

    Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing
    Last edited by JR1; 9th October 2014 at 05:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Tobman's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    DanK. I may try Lightroom at some point, esp. with Apple dropping Aperture.

    JR1, the first link took me to a Windows program; I'm using a Mac. And the second took me to a review with a link to the Imagenomic Noiseware site which has a Photoshop plugin; I don't have Photoshop.

  5. #5
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    This is a timely thread, as I have just made the decision to abandon Aperture. I have used this app for about 2 years, upgrading from IPhoto. I initially purchased it because IPhoto could no longer cope with my large photo catalogue and I seriously wanted to learn how to post process. I must say that there are some things about Aperture that I find superior to Lightroom. I love the clean interface and the layout of the "Projects" view. Importing, organizing, and sorting photos is a breeze. My husband uses the Slideshow function which offers a very good variety of themes and he is able produce a project in no time at all. I have also ordered the Apple photo books from within the application and I will say that they are incredible. The books offer true colours, are beautifully bound, and have an infinite number of styles and layouts. The weight of the paper is impressive and I have found this to be the best way to permanently archive my favourite shots.

    When Apple announced that there would be no further support for this application, I downloaded the 30 day trial version of Lightroom. Right out the gate, I noticed the Noise Reduction feature was amazing. In a head to head comparison, Aperture's NR feature appeared to have no effect at all, while Lightroom noticeably smoothed out image.

    Yesterday, as my 30 day trial is over, I signed up for the monthly CC package at $ 9.95 (US) I have purchased Scott Kelby's Lightroom book and I am working through it chapter by chapter. I figure it will make a good cold weather project.

    I do want to keep Aperture on my system as there is no way my husband will embrace Lightroom. The only thing he does that is photography related is to take my photos and create slideshows, books, and movies. I still have to figure out some sort of workflow that will allow me to import, organize, and post process with Lightroom but which will also let me drop copies of my favourite edits into Aperture so I can continue to make slide shows and order books.

    I do think that a lot of the editing functions of the two apps are comparable, but interestingly you mention the NR feature which is an important one for me and one that I find is far superior in Lightroom.

  6. #6
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Suzan J View Post
    I still have to figure out some sort of workflow that will allow me to import, organize, and post process with Lightroom but which will also let me drop copies of my favourite edits into Aperture so I can continue to make slide shows and order books.
    Hi Suzan, I too have both apps and I like them each for different features. Some photos I know I want to process in Aperture, and others in LR. Having learned Aperture first, I am particularly loathe to give up its asset management feature. For that reason, I found this article on moving back and forth between the apps helpful. It's a little awkward, but it can be done.

    As to the noise reduction, I had never thought to try the LR tool as I routinely turn to Nik's Dfine. It'll be interesting to compare.

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    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Hi Janis: Thanks for the link. This is just what I'm looking for.

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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobman View Post
    DanK. I may try Lightroom at some point, esp. with Apple dropping Aperture.

    JR1, the first link took me to a Windows program; I'm using a Mac. And the second took me to a review with a link to the Imagenomic Noiseware site which has a Photoshop plugin; I don't have Photoshop.
    Over on DPR's Sigma Forum I've read good mentions of Iridient Developer (mac only):

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    but which will also let me drop copies of my favourite edits into Aperture so I can continue to make slide shows and order books.
    I don't do books, but I just had to do a slideshow for a wedding, and it was easy to do in Lightroom. check it out.

  10. #10

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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobman View Post
    DanK. I may try Lightroom at some point, esp. with Apple dropping Aperture.

    JR1, the first link took me to a Windows program; I'm using a Mac. And the second took me to a review with a link to the Imagenomic Noiseware site which has a Photoshop plugin; I don't have Photoshop.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Apple Aperture Noise Reduction Does Nothing

    I am very interested in what the new noise reduction filter in Perfect Photo 9, Perfect Effects will be like.

    I have read some very interesting things about it. However the proof of the pudding is how the new filter will eat noise. Pardon the pun...

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