Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws and his partner Lisa came by our house to video Elmer and Elsie. Eldad and Lisa rescued Elmer and Elsie from the scrap metal yard in which they were living and from which they got their metallic gray coloring...
We are now fostering these two dogs...
Eldad needed to get some "after" video of Elsie and Elmer running around and playing in our large yard. However that just wasn't to be...
All the other dogs in our house were animated and playful such as Betty coming up to Lisa in this image...
but not Elmer and Elsie. Eldad tried using treats to no avail.
I told Eldad that I would shoot some video tomorrow and send it to him unedited so he can finish his YouTube video on the two dogs.
I asked Eldad how to send the unedited video (which can be a large file for HD video) to him and he introduced me to www.hightail.com which is a site I can use to send the large files to him. There is a basic free membership and a reasonable paid membership which allows even larger file sizes to be sent.
There are probably other sites to facilitate the transfer of large file sizes but, I am going to use hightail.com because Hope for Paws is set up for it. However, I have had the need to send large files before and know that I will again. I am glad I was introduced to hightail.com...
BTW: Eldad and Lisa do wonderful work and have a large following. ( Visit Hope for Paws on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75 ) While we are happy to get a few hundred or so views for our videos, Eldad and Lisa literally count their views in millions!