Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
May I suggest setting up the lighting/camera gear in Son’s room/Studio and informing Resident that you will be taking beautifully lit and painfully candid photos of him intermittently throughout the day and night including while sleeping, dressing, undressing, etc.?

I understand boudoir photography is in big demand Alan!

"Terry" - Now there's a thought, but, to be honest, I doubt if my stomach could stand up to either the smell or if I could navigate the piles of unwashed clothing/uneaten pizza in my wheelchair. lol. Sadly, we don't have a garage, or a basement; there is an attic, but then, without either building a suitably angled ramp (which would have to begin either in the middle of the road or, in the other direction, in my neighbour's garden), or commisioning the installation of a personal lift/elevator (which is out of financial reach), I am left with the uncomfortable option of having said son hoisting me up and down by means of a block and tackle and, to be honest, I wouldn't trust the sod not to have the rope, accidentally, "slip out of his grasp", at an opportune moment, resulting in my unfortunate demise, thus solving the problem at a stroke. But, thanks for giving me the opportunity to give my laughing gear, and my writing skills, a bit of a workout. It's been a while!!!! .