The first chance to get out and try the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 at some landscape work.
The object of the exercise was to practice my skill at focusing now I have a lens that does not need to be stopped down to f/22 to get acceptable edge sharpness and all test shots I took with foliage in the close foreground were fine.
Here's a few I took as the light dropped off, remaining there savouring the absolute silence of the location apart from a few birds and dreading returning back to civilisation.
A GND was used for all.
No 1 - 1/6s, f/11, ISO200, 28mm
No 2 - 1/10s, f/11, ISO200, 75mm
No 3 - 1/4s, f/11, ISO200, 65mm
Comments and suggestions welcome as always.