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Thread: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

  1. #1

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    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Once again, I will try to post at least one photo per week during 2014. The scenes will vary to show something of the area where I live and things which are going on around here.

    In order to keep this thread within a reasonable size I will split it into 4 sections. My previous Weekly Photo 2014 thread (Part 3) is here:

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 3

    Week 39 Starting with a couple from my Fuji X20 pocket camera.

    Artful Dodger leaving the Fish Quay

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/350 F8 Iso 200

    Salcombe Lass arriving at the Quay

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/280 F8 Iso 200

    Although not as good as a 'proper camera' I find this little X20 can produce reasonable shots given suitable subjects and conditions. And being just about pocket sized I can take it with me when I don't want to lug around a lot of gear just on the off chance that I may see something worth shooting.

    Both of these did suffer from a bit of over exposure on a few highlights so each one is a merge of two Raw conversions with different settings.

    Hope Cove

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/125 F11 Iso 200. 7D with Tamron 24-70 lens.

    Another one where I have had to do a bit of extra editing. My first shot with this couple at the water's edge didn't have the composition quite as I wanted and in the second shot, after a bit of thinking time, the people were walking away towards the image edge. So I simply copied and pasted them from one image to the other.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 14th October 2014 at 07:11 PM. Reason: links added

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I particularly like the last one even though it was almost a composite...All of them are very colourful especially the first two with the boats...the last one is a bit serious live in an interesting place.

  3. #3

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Thanks, Izzie.

    With that Hope Cove image, I took another shot a couple of hours earlier which had a better sky, but no foreground interest; just plain water.

    A little bit more surf would have been nice but with the wind in that direction it is a sheltered location. Just outside that distant headland there was a rather rough sea.

  4. #4
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    More nice images Geoff, well done mate!


  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Do any of these weekly entries have a particular theme? The three shown here have a seascape/leading line theme.

  6. #6

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Thanks for the positive comments.

    Several people started doing Weekly Photos a couple of years ago, but I seem to be the only one who is still continuing with the project.

    Usually it is images from one particular shoot, although the weekly subject is quite varied depending on the weather and what I am doing that week. And some weeks I struggle to find sufficient motivation when attempting to think of different subjects.

    This week I did combine shots from two days but with a similar theme.

    I thought I was missing out on boat shots this year. Therefore I had intended to drive around 30 miles to shoot fishing boats from the next port along the coast. But the weather started clouding up during the morning so I decided to stay home; then, of course, about lunchtime the sun appeared. Too late to go any distance by then so I simply had a look at the local Fish Quay instead. But not expecting to do much, I left my main equipment at home.

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Nice shots, I especially like the composition in #1

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Looking forward to more of your excursions...

  9. #9

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Nice shots, I especially like the composition in #1
    I saw those store boxes, plus wildlife, and thought they would add a bit of 'depth' to the scene. Then it was just a case of waiting for some passing boats.

  10. #10

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Week 40 - Causeway across the creek

    During the Victorian era a causeway was constructed across this creek to provide a short cut for the farmhouse at low tide. It is still just visible.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Fuji X20 (my pocket camera) 1/500 F8 Iso 200. I have done several different edits and so far this seems to work best; but I may still have another go at it.

  11. #11
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Geoff, this is an attractive photo. It took me a while to figure out where the former causeway was but it eventually became evident. On the far side of the creek it looks like an area has been dredged out – or is this natural?

    [Does the creek flow into the ocean or a lake? My brain was not in gear when I typed this question.
    Last edited by Cantab; 25th October 2014 at 05:39 PM. Reason: Stupid question: tidal creeks do not flow into lakes.

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Nice shot...Geoff. I am still wondering if during those low tides times there will be wildlife all over the place there. Big house...I wouldn't mind living there. Not your type of boat though... I particularly like the composition. When I get home, I'd like to look at this on my desktop...

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I needed a shot of this scene to use in a DVD that I will be producing with the local history society. It will be a walk around the town comparing photos from today with older images. We have some audio recordings of people who remember crossing here when they were children, around 80 years ago. Including one girl who fell in the mud when wearing her best Sunday clothes!

    It is located just a little way further up the creek than my fishing boat scenes. There are several creeks like this wandering off from the main estuary. They all have some form of meandering stream draining water down towards the sea at low tide; and with many smaller streams joining together.

    Always a good area to find wading birds etc feeding amongst the soft mud.

    That house has been modernised but it retains its traditional appearance. Unfortunately we have lost so much of our architectural heritage to developers in recent years. So many fine Victorian and Edwardian houses have been totally destroyed and replaced by square blocks of concrete and glass!

    I did clone out one plastic boat with large outboard motor which was on the left because it was spoiling the natural lines and atmosphere of the composition.

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Week 41 - Something Scary for Halloween!

    Last day of October and rather mild with hazy sun; so a trip to the woods for some insects.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Fox Moth Caterpillar. Not not a genetic experiment which went wrong - that really is the name.

    7D with 180 Sigma Macro Lens. 1/250 F14 Iso 400 with flash.

    And for the whole 4 inches of this very hairy caterpillar I switched to my Tamron 24-70 lens.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Scary hairy Harry.....what a shot! I love it, Grahame...I will not choose a favourite between the two because they are the same but I like #2 showing how long it really is...

  16. #16

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Week 42 - Around the Quaysides

    A heavy shower had just finished and it was still very overcast so it was going to be a bit much for my little Fuji X20 pocket camera; but I liked the arrangement of all these 'posts' so gave it a go.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/340 F8 Iso 400. I have had a go with the editing but it is a tricky scene and adding too much contrast/saturation just looks artificial. Maybe try again sometime with better equipment.

    Just around the corner, at the head of a short creek, but still very overcast. 'Warming' the light just didn't look right so I've left it looking gloomy.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Fuji X20 1/500 F8 Iso 400

    And some from the Fish Quay. Starting with another dull day and low tide. With the low late afternoon light, strong sunshine can produce problems with bright highlights and heavy shadows. So in some ways this dull light is actually easier.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Canon 7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/160 F8 Iso 200

    High water and bright afternoon sunshine but I rejected several shots which were stern on to the sun and had excessive over exposure areas. This boat which was approaching bow first worked much better.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    40D with Canon 24-105 lens 1/800 F8 Iso 200

  17. #17
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Geoff, I enjoyed all the photos but especially the first and last. The seagull going about its business looking for food in the mud is a small but important part of the first image. The last photo is colouful and cheery. I grew up and still live near the ocean so that may be part of why I enjoyed these.

    Later: I just noticed you used different cameras for the last two photos, apparently taken on the same outing. Do you often go out with both the 40D and 7D? I'm looking for an excuse to buy the 7d II so I could go out with different lenses mounted on my 60D and the 7DII !

  18. #18
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Geoff, if you process the posts in #1, it will perhaps looks plasticky but this one works. I like all of your composition too so I won't comment anymore about those. The little bird on top of one of the posts adds interest just to show how thick these posts are...In #2 the selection of floats, yellow doors and the boat in the middle adds interest and colour to your shots here and though you said it is a dull day, it doesn't looks like so. If I am to choose which one I like in all of these, I'd prefer the third one -- very colourful shot. All of these are very interesting. 'Must be a busy place. Which one is your boat here?

  19. #19

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I have had another go at editing the first two dull day shots to add a bit more brightness and colour but once again I thought it was beginning to lose the natural feel of these duller scenes.

    I sold my fishing boat, Izzie, a few years ago when I retired from commercial fishing, although I managed to 'wangle' keeping my dinghy for a little longer. But eventually, difficulties over finding a mooring and the fact that I was starting to get a little unsteady in a small boat, particularly in a rough sea, convinced me to give up totally.

    But you can see my fishing boat in this scene, taken when I was still working. It is the smaller of the two.

    Bruce. When my trusty 40D died a little while ago, I upgraded to a new 7D but eventually sent the 40D to a repairer for an estimate, before disposing of it. The only problem turned out to be a worn out shutter so I had it reconditioned at a cost of just over £100 to use as a spare. Particularly useful for those riskier shoots because I only value it as being £100 now.

    Much the same goes for that Canon 24-105 lens. I was never totally happy with it so when it failed for the second time I sent it to the repairers, without much hope, and purchased a new Tamron 24-70 lens. The 24-105 lens was eventually repaired for £150 so that coupled with my 40D makes what I consider to be a mere £250 set up! So I often leave it in my vehicle.

    And sometimes, when going for a quick shoot, or something risky, I take them instead of the 7D. In fact, sometimes I just pick up which is closest.

    I see that the Mark 2 7D has considerably improved weatherproofing, which is one of the poorer parts of the basic 7D so that alone is worth considering. The basic controls on the 7D (both models) do appear to be much easier to use. A friend had a 60D but whenever it came to changing settings I only had to do a quick flick of my finger while he was always fumbling around for what seemed like ages; and often missed a quick shot as a result.

    ps. Yes, if I see a chance to include a gull in a composition I do deliberately choose to take that shot.

  20. #20
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    More good images Geoff, keep up the good work mate!

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