Week 43
I see that with all this rain and overcast skies I am starting to fall behind now.
Anyway, a nice clear sunny day for a change so I decided to visit a little town along the coast. Kingswear - somewhere that I haven't been for many years. Because of the geography, it isn't a straightforward journey.
Started walking along some old narrow streets towards the coast path and soon encountered a path closed notice. And the diversion - up the steps!
Eventually, after a few pauses to catch my breath, I reached the top and continued along another road towards the cliff path. But steps, in one form or another, were with me all the way; with very little easy walking areas.
Most of the view was hidden by the trees, or high fences. It didn't seem to be a particularly welcoming area. But eventually, I found a spot where some trees had fallen down and I was able to clearly see Dartmouth Castle on the left and Kingswear Castle on the right.
7D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/125 F 11 Iso 200
And a closer view.
Back in the town, the ferries which connect Dartmouth and Kingswear.
1/250 F11 Iso 400.
Because of the extreme light requirements ranging between heavy shadow and bright low angle sunshine, with subject movement causing problems which prevented using multiple exposures, these all merges of different conversion settings from a Raw shot.