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Thread: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

  1. #1
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    It seems that every day, I have less time to do everything that I need to, and want to do, primarily because every day I have more ideas, and new additions to my 'goals' list. Since photography is a crucial part of my life, I have decided that it's time to start keeping up-to-date with new technologies, cameras, sensors, lenses, software, techniques, and so forth. Given how busy I am, and the sheer volume of information about these things, and the thousands of possible sources, it is not surprising that I have not been able to keep up.

    Anyway, I am trying to find, perhaps, the best 2 to 3 websites (online magazines, blogs, or whatever) that cover the widest range of items listed earlier, with the most succinct presentation possible. Essentially, I need a condensed source of information, to help me get an idea of everything new in software, hardware, techniques, revolutions, or whatever, to make the most of my time and to allow me to easily choose what is most applicable to me. I realize this is wishful thinking, and trying to find a quick fix for something that should require good, old-fashioned time and energy; however, I am trying to prioritize, and learning this has to take a back seat to other things, yet is still important.

    So, I'd appreciate suggestions for the top 3 websites which seem to fall into the specifications I noted above.

    Thanks for any help offered

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    My best, not necessarily in this order:

    though when I encounter a phrase in one of the conversation that I need to understand, I highlight and google the term or phrase and out came the learning. Then I save the link in my drafts folder for later further reference. So favourites do not really form too short a list either. It just depends on what I am looking for and ended up learning from. Confining myself to three is a bit limiting because there are some article/tutorial authors in the same website have the same simple instruction that my brain can easily grasp in one go that needed further instructions/illustration/explantion in my case...

  3. #3

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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    Matt, good advice from Izzie. Decide where you want to go to next and Google - then try it. I do it all the time and you will not only get the data you want but discover that quite often there are more ways than one of doing something.

    Izzie, thanks for the link. They currently just happen to have a tutorial on night sky photography which is an area I want to have a play with.
    Last edited by John 2; 15th October 2014 at 09:40 AM.

  4. #4
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    Naturescapes - this forum is run by and populated by a fair number of professional nature photographers (birds, wildlife, landscapes).

    The editor was formerly an electronics engineer that worked in starting up/operating silicon chip plants; his knowledge of this is quite unusual. His full time photography pursuits include publishing an electronic book that includes ALL of the ducks of North America, regularly traveling to all the continents (including the north and the south). He also tests equipment (calibrates lenses/cameras, and keeps us up to date on all new gear as it is announced - I usually hear of new developments from him).

    One frequent participant is a Ph.D Astrophysicist, and his knowledge of how sensors work has me muttering to myself.

    There are two internationally known bird photographers that I know of and are probably more, and the members are from all corners of the globe.

    But what I appreciate most is that arguments are quite rare - unfortunately I'm often lost in some of the technical discussions.

    There are two types of membership: Free (one can post images for comment and take part in discussions, and Lifetime (which permits a member to keep a portfolio on the site at no cost other than membership).


  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    So, I'd appreciate suggestions for the top 3 websites which seem to fall into the specifications I noted above.
    You mean other than CiC?

  6. #6
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    Izzie, thanks for the links. I will check them out.

    John, thanks for the input.

    Glenn, many thanks for the detailed summary/review of naturescapes. I'm a "free" member, though I haven't been to the forum/news section in a while. I'll go back and check it out. Thanks!

    Donald, yes, I was referring to sites beyond CiC. Of course this site is a great source of info! No offense intended!

    All of these suggestions and links are great, thanks to all who replied.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    John -- this was the notes I took in Florida for taking star trails and one shot milky way -- but I was not able to try it because of the weather..

    If you are using a Nikon, there is a MLU (Mirror Lock-UP) on the left top side of the camera underneath the WB/ISO button. Then use a tripod and a remote. #1 link is especially helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Matt, good advice from Izzie. Decide where you want to go to next and Google - then try it. I do it all the time and you will not only get the data you want but discover that quite often there are more ways than one of doing something.

    Izzie, thanks for the link. They currently just happen to have a tutorial on night sky photography which is an area I want to have a play with.

  8. #8

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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    I'm a member at Naturescapes and through the years have found it to be very helpful, but the website you are on now is also very helpful. Here's a few more:
    Last edited by Charlie Woodrich; 2nd November 2014 at 01:33 AM.

  9. #9
    PhotomanJohn's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    I would add


  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    For Canon users,

    However, CiC is the most friendly forum I use....

  11. #11

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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    I subscribe to most of those listed and receive email flashes of brilliance from them...for in depth analysis,
    I like and

  12. #12
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Best photography websites, to stay on cutting edge?

    Apart from the obvious sites already detailed you might care to drop in HERE for an overview of the content on a plethora of sites and blogs. I find it really useful to quickly scan for anything of interest.

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