In the Netherlands the sunsets would also be spectacular as the cloud is moving from north to south over the country. So I'm curious what to expect .
Nice shot, Colin.
I was expecting the same from my friends across the pond!
This was from the March 2009 eruption of Mt. Redoubt, near Anchorage, Alaska. I'm about 375 miles north of Mt. Redoubt. The wispy clouds just above the horizon are aerosols mixed with a small amount of ash from the eruption.
Regarding dust; is this a coincidence. I went out to photograph some boats but found yet another 'no photography allowed' place in Barton Marina so went onto NMA AGAIN
But look at the dust and it will be quicker for me to buy a new camera than to have it fixed, so it is going to be a week or two before I'm back in action and it also sets me back a month saving for my dream camera But it can always happen.
Ash cloud or no ash cloud that photo is brilliant. I take **** photo's but do appreciate others good work
Thanks Delboy
There's a bit of a write-up on it here if you're interested.
Some can, but the easiest way to test is to simply stick the camera on Av mode - stop the lens down as far as it'll go (eg F22 etc) - manual focus - and then take a shot of something bland (cream coloured wall, blue sky etc) and then take a look at the result at 100% magnification in Photoshop (preferably moving the camera a little as you take the shot).
Cheers, I've ordered sensorklear by Lenspen, so will be here soon and I will give it a blast of air from my genuine giotto's rocket blower extra large ect ect.