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Thread: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

  1. #1
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Hello All: I'm sharing a couple more images of my favourite model, Ranger. For a dog which was bred to retrieve ducks, he is not particularly fond of swimming. Here he is standing at the shore of Lake Superior, but he only managed to get his toes wet. As usual, I would appreciate any C and C.

    SS 160 ISO 500 F8.0 86mm

    Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    SS 250 ISO 500 F8.0 135mm

    Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

  2. #2

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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Hi Suzan Ranger is a very nice dog. I like #1 because of the expression. Ranger looks really interested in what he is looking at. I don't care about the cropped body because I think his excitement makes the photo. #2 is a nice portrait shot

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Nice portraits.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    I agree with Binnur. Absolutely beautiful dog...

  5. #5
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Thanks Binnur, John, and Richard for the comments. Ranger says he is flattered.

  6. #6
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    I've been to Lake Superior.......I don't blame him!!!

  7. #7
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Handsome dog and lovely pictures.

    What is his breeding?


  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Funny you asked, Rie... You must be kicking yourself at not looking at Susan's title first...

    Anywho...I like that you captured his drool on both shots...#1 for me for his pose and #2 for his expression...

  9. #9
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Suzan and Izzie, I asked the question about his linage because my Aunt (Marcia Schlehr) is a well known Golden Retriever breeder out of Michigan (Kyrie Goldens). She is also an international judge.

    Ranger's body style and coat reminded me more of the foundation goldens that she worked hard to preserve. That was all.


  10. #10
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Thanks Randy, "Rie, and Izzie for the comments. Yes, indeed, Lake Superior can be freezing cold even in July.

    "Rie, as to Ranger's breeding, he came from a breeder who lives only a few miles from me near a tiny hamlet called South Gillies. Her name is Judy Kashuba and she has been selectively breeding Goldens for at least 30 years. Ranger is now four years old. We are not into showing, so my knowledge of the pedigrees is practically non-existent, but I do know that Ranger's dad, had some success as a show dog. His name was "Ch Goodtime's Take Me To Your Leader", or Scotty for short. From what I recall, the breeder has used blood lines from dogs in Texas over the years. Several years ago, one of her litters was used for the movie "Space Buddies". I recall her saying something about trying to breed a more refined head shape from the boxy shape that had become prevalent. I wouldn't be surprised if your aunt and Judy have crossed paths at one time or another.

  11. #11
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Beautiful dog. Looks like my Golden, Chuckie, who passed away in 2008. Chuckie loved the water.

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    Suzan and Izzie, I asked the question about his linage because my Aunt (Marcia Schlehr) is a well known Golden Retriever breeder out of Michigan (Kyrie Goldens). She is also an international judge.

    Ranger's body style and coat reminded me more of the foundation goldens that she worked hard to preserve. That was all.

    That was a tongue-in-cheek, 'Rie...I have no idea that there are several breeds of Goldens. Our neighbour across the road has two of them and they look different ... Sorry...

  13. #13
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Great looking dog Suzan, only problem is that you did not post it larger so we can fully appreciate him

  14. #14
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Thanks Grahame and Travis for the comments. I usually post in medium size, but will try larger versions next time. I did try to post a large version of something once, but I thought that the image seemed cut off somehow.

    Travis, I hope you have nothing but good memories of your buddy Chuckie. We lost our first Golden, Slater, in 2012 and I swear there is not a day that goes by where I don't have at least one fleeting memory of him. I know other dog lovers may disagree, but there is something extra special about a Golden.

  15. #15

    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Suzan J View Post
    Thanks Randy, "Rie, and Izzie for the comments. Yes, indeed, Lake Superior can be freezing cold even in July.

    "Rie, as to Ranger's breeding, he came from a breeder who lives only a few miles from me near a tiny hamlet called South Gillies. Her name is Judy Kashuba and she has been selectively breeding Goldens for at least 30 years. Ranger is now four years old. We are not into showing, so my knowledge of the pedigrees is practically non-existent, but I do know that Ranger's dad, had some success as a show dog. His name was "Ch Goodtime's Take Me To Your Leader", or Scotty for short. From what I recall, the breeder has used blood lines from dogs in Texas over the years. Several years ago, one of her litters was used for the movie "Space Buddies". I recall her saying something about trying to breed a more refined head shape from the boxy shape that had become prevalent. I wouldn't be surprised if your aunt and Judy have crossed paths at one time or another.

  16. #16

    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold

    Hi all ... this is Judy Kashuba . Suzan ,Ranger looks so much like his father and you have captured that expression beautifully :-) And yes Izzie , your Aunt has put up Scottie at the American National in his Sweeps class . Marcia is highly respected in the Golden Retriever world . Keep those wonderful pictures coming . Now that we are retired and doing photography also its so heart felt .

  17. #17
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Retriever at Golden Hour - Double Gold


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