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Thread: I don't believe it

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    I don't believe it

    Up to now I have bought Sterling Tek batteries direct from the US as a substitute for buying the Canon product. They are every bit as good and a fraction of the price.

    Having just placed my order for a new 7DMkII c/w battery pack (Yahoo!) I got onto the Sterling Tek website, ordered and was put through to (the US site). Processed the order, THEN GOT TOLD that these items couldn't be shipped out of the US to me ..... because they are batteries.


    This is security gone mad. Talk about complete over-reaction. This is madness.

    And what's worse, I can't find the batteries at the same price on any UK site.

    So - Question: Does anyone know where to get Sterling Tek batteries in the UK at equivalent of US prices for the same product, not the normal ridiculous UK policy of charging far more than is charged in the US.

  2. #2

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    Re: I don't believe it

    Believe it.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I don't believe it


    No help for your problem but, congratulations on your new camera!

  4. #4
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: I don't believe it

    Its not only in the U.S. A year back ordered a battery pack with weight for a telescope mount and it was rejected and money wasted. Congratulations on your new camera.

  5. #5

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    Re: I don't believe it

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    This is security gone mad. Talk about complete over-reaction. This is madness.
    Donald, probably results from the suspicions originally voiced over the role batteries might have played in the loss of the first Malaysian Airliner.

    Can't help you with the brand you are looking for but if it is of any interest, you might consider these.

    One of my spares for the Fuji XT1 is a Bluemax and I can't discern any difference from Fuji's own. I have dealt with Premier Ink over a number of years for all sorts of photo products not just ink without any problems. Their delivery response is generally particularly good.

  6. #6

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    Re: I don't believe it

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    congratulations on your new camera!
    I missed that important detail! Yes, congratulations to Donald!

  7. #7

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    Re: I don't believe it

    It's typical knee "jerk" reaction

    If a bomber wanted to they could easily build a bomb into the inside and around the parts of the lens lenses are not checked.

    Do they have to be that make

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: I don't believe it

    Thanks for your responses folks. I have now calmed down a bit. John - Thanks for that link to the Birmingham-based company.

    Re the decision to get the 7DMkII, I wrote on a social media site:

    "OMG, he's done it.

    Just pressed the button to order a new Canon 7DMkII camera body c/w battery grip. Oh dear, oh dear!

    Do I need it? No! Do I want it? Oh yes.

    I don't often indulge myself and do feel some guilt about spending money on something like this when it could be used for much greater benefit for people who need it. But I resolve that dilemma by reminding myself that I do contribute a proportion of my income to charitable bodies, both humanistic and environmentalist. But maybe that's me just trying to make myself feel okay.

    I'm not usually one for wanting the latest shiny new toy, but in this case .....! The reviews on the pre-production models that have been out there in the hands of some pros, are just awesome.

    Now I'm all excited. And maybe it'll take better pictures for me."

  9. #9

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    Re: I don't believe it

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Do I need it?
    No, but if you're gonna have it, you will need batteries to make it work.

    Enjoy your new camera without feeling any guilt. If we were going to feel guilty about all of the wants we satisfy, we would be feeling guilty about everything other than the barest necessities of shelter, food and clothing that keeps us healthy. Notice that wine is not included in any of those categories.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 29th October 2014 at 10:32 PM.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    How about this

    On a flight from Mexico to the USA, I was not allowed to carry my fishing reels aboard because they had line wound on them You could possibly use the line to choke someone! But how about shoe laces, dental floss, etc?

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    I wonder, is it "security", as in terrorism, or perhaps just the fire risk?

    Some batteries have been implicated in causing fires on aircraft.

    Congrats on the new camera though Donald, I'm sure it will include one battery, so you'll be good to go soon enough.

  12. #12

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    Re: How about this

    I may sell my Canon 1D MarkII N to buy 7D II if needed, for now i feel i don't need more bodies or latest, once i will be involved in sports more than before i may think about it.

    But, how anyone will think about replacing Canon 1D Mark III to 7D II? i can easily let 1D2n go, but not sure about comparing AF speed of 1D3 to 7DII.

  13. #13
    Tony M's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    Congratulations Donald on your 7D II; it looks like an awesome camera. Like you, I had a 40D and I changed to the 6D last year and love my new toy. The 40D is a great camera and you've made excellent use of it; however it's time to move on and benefit from advances in technology. You won't regret it.


  14. #14
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    Next thing you know, Donald, you will be heading here to the US so you can have an excuse to buy that dang! battery or two or three extras to bring back with you...

  15. #15
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    Staying with the "I don't believe it!" theme. I regularly need to buy medical adhesive remover (don't ask!) which comes in a little spray can. I few days ago, I went on-line to my usual supplier, an apparently UK based medical supplies company, to get the message "we are not permitted to airfreight this item, please remove from your basket". We will be back to war time rationing and reliant on convoys before we know it

  16. #16

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    Re: How about this

    Just to make you more happy I see the Royal Mail (UK post office) will not allow Lithium batteries to be posted - though how they check god only knows. I have see one mail order specialist say they will only send if order is of a size they would use a carrier.

  17. #17
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    I don't know UK retailers, but I buy all of my off-brand batteries from the retailer I use most, BH Photo. I know they will stand behind them, and I trust them not to sell me anything that will damage the camera. (I am not implying that Sterlingtek will.) Perhaps you can get good off-brand batteries from a firm over on that side of the pond.

  18. #18
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    First of all, I forgot to congratulate you for your new purchase. So a congratulation is in order here.

    I was talking to my husband about your battery dilemma and I asked why you can't order batteries here in the US but I can bring my cameras with batteries to the plane on our travels. He said that batteries should be removed from cameras when traveling and should be put in a separate bag in your checked luggage. How come TSA never told me that? And it is not in their list of not to bring on the plane? His response is that because they were not informed. I asked what is a battery bag acceptable to put it in and he doesn't know either.

  19. #19
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: How about this

    The UK Royal Mail will accept lithium batteries, but there are some restrictions as shown in this link.


  20. #20
    victor's Avatar
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    Re: I don't believe it


    I have a Canon 5D MKIII. Ialso have Sterling Tech Batteries bought from the US via B&H for my 7 D. When used in the 5D MKIII I have a battery communication error on starting and have to say OK to Use the Battery !!

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