Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Nikola,
A picture tomorrow would be useful because, although I appreciate English is probably not your first language and while the rest of the post is very good quality English, to me, "smudge" and "speck" are two completely different things.
To give you an idea;
a "smudge" could be a smeared fingerprint,
while a "speck" could be a very small, single flake of paint or piece of dust.
At a guess, it is the latter you have inside the lens.
It possibly got in to the lens during manufacture, packing or shipping.
It obviously shouldn't be there, and it is annoying when what should be perfect (assuming it was bought new, not second hand), but I suspect it may not be easy for you to arrange a replacement lens to be shipped. I don't know what consumer rights are like in Macedonia, but in the UK, you would probably be entitled to ask for a replacement.
Therefore it may be fortunate that it may not have any noticeable effect on pictures taken through the lens, but we'll know more when we have seen what you have.
I am not familiar with that lens, so I hesitate to suggest you try anything to see if it can be moved - it may end up somewhere worse, or you may damage the lens, making return/replacement impossible.
Welcome to the CiC forums, Dave