That's an interesting bridge. The horizontal crop fits it nicely.
Nice. Was it a Railroad bridge?
Very nice colors Where is the rest of the bridge on the right hand side?
PS. Your title indicates that it goes nowhere , I just wonder the story behind it .
My thoughts exactly as Binnur. I think the title is very appropriate with the bridge cutoff. Quite a long diving board to the water though... Still autumn on your side of the pond? Very colourful...
Nick,John,Jim,Binnur,Izzie,thanks for comments,bridge was originally a railway bridge serving local textile works<all gone> built 1876 was used as a footbridge until 1994 when it closed for safety reasons now being completely demolished,photo shows one of original pugs used by textile works....PS,thats me standing beside it on ground
I would never guess that it was so old
Nice shot, I wonder if you could of got some sky in? But its pretty good as it is
Is that really you?PS,thats me standing beside it on ground
Yeah that,s me wearing my De-mob suit
Nice capture Benjy!