Nice angle and conversion.
I'm not overly keen on that sky; so yes, B&W for me.
I kind of like them both but lean towards the B&W as it tends to have a timeless look. Only thing is you've lost some detail in the sky and field in the conversion. But overall I think it's a very good shot and I definitely like the composition.
Hi MattI prefer the color but it is just because I find the highlights in B&W too much and distracting. If it can be fixed with PP, IMO B&W would look very good too.
I prefer the mono, Matt, but I think you need to pull the highlights down - the whites are too bright.
The colour is oversaturated for me Matt but that helps to make a good mono conversion. I prefer the mono but it needs a bit of tonal adjustment and I agree the highlights are too bright. Nice composition though and worth some more work IMHO.
I prefer the colour because I do not know much about black and white. I agree with Binnur here, the highlights is a bit distracting though she knows more what to do that I would.
Thanks for the comments guys, I'll revisit the PP during the week to see if I can improve them![]()
I find the 'third eye' on the right side of the neck extremely distracting in both shots.
I assume there was a horse standing behind this one and you've almost cloned all of it out?
Whoa, I hadn't noticed it myself, but now you mention it, it is all I see.
I don't think the rest has been cloned out, it's just hidden from view behind the subject.
Matt, I prefer the monochrome, although as many have said, a little less of the bright blotchy cloud on left would be good.
I wonder if some extra 'clarity' on the B&W would help keep attention on the subject, but you may need to be careful not to let the fence get too much grain.
lovely 2and agree with binnure