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Thread: Early Morning Shots.

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Sahil Jain

    Early Morning Shots.

    Well, today I finally managed to get up at 4:30 in the morning and go out to the lake to capture Sunrise shot. I am not very happy with the results though . The lake is almost dried up. Yea I did get that 'Golden Light' but it hasn't amazed me. Still I am sharing the shots with you, for your opinions, Critiques and Comments.

    This was at 5:26

    Early Morning Shots.

    At 6 o' Clock

    Early Morning Shots.

    Finally the Rising Sun, At 6:12 a.m.

    Early Morning Shots.

  2. #2

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Congratulations Sahil on getting up so early. I think these are great shots. I especially like 2 & 3. The colours are just beautiful. I think it was worth your while to get up so early (I never manage to). I'm really not sure what I would do to improve these. I like them the way they are, but I just see things as a casual observer. Perhaps different crops would work better and/or some PP adjustments, but if it were me I'd be happy with them. The only comment I can make is that I do see some dust spots in the last 2 - top left that should be fixed.
    Nice job

  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Nice colours; but I don't know golden light. To me it is all the same either brighter with high ev span or lower. I think #3 is great and worth getting up for. cheers

  4. #4

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Hi Sahil,

    A dead fish on a plate doesn't look very appetising - but - once the chef has prepared it, it looks a lot better. I've been up "in the middle of the night" more times than I can remember - and often I've thought that it's been a waste time until I've looked at the image and processed "the chosen one" ... and most times there's a winner there somethere

    Early Morning Shots.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Early Morning Shots.


    I think #2 and #3 are the best shots you've ever put up here. That sunlit edge on the cloud reflected in the water in #2, is magnificent. In #3, there's a nasty dust-bunny near the left-hand side on about the top one-third horizontal. I would have thought #3 could be a very commercial image.
    Last edited by Donald; 18th April 2010 at 07:27 PM.

  6. #6

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Hi, Sahil;

    2&3 are wonderful, especially 3: the series of lines and reflections is beautiful, and the colors are spectacular.

    For #1, you might also try a crop that focuses on the lake rather than the sky: the sky doesn't have much going on in this one. Maybe crop so the horizon is at the upper 1/3, instead of lower 1/3. The lake looks very serene.


  7. #7

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Love the curving lines in the sky that are reflected back in the water in #2. Do you have any that were taken just after that moment?


  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Hi Sahil,

    I don't think there's anything I can usefully add to the replies above, I agree with the consensus of opinions and Colin has done what I might to improve #3.

    I did wonder about the central placement of the sun, rather than being nearer a third, but I think it works fine given the contours of the far lake side.

    I think you were a little unlucky with the sunrise; since it was well above the horizon by the time it got above those clouds, you could always re-shoot it again


  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Sahil Jain

    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Thanks Everyone for your kind words.
    The only comment I can make is that I do see some dust spots in the last 2 - top left that should be fixed
    In #3, there's a nasty dust-bunny near the left-hand side on about the top one-third horizontal.
    Now that even I have noticed it, yea its way too irritating. Will just do something about it.

    A dead fish on a plate doesn't look very appetising - but - once the chef has prepared it, it looks a lot better.
    Well said, Colin. And I just love what you have done to the pic. I was not sure if this pic should have been PPed. Love it now. Do you mind if I make the same changes in the original RAW for posting? I guess you have increased the contrast and saturated it a little more?!?! And the cropping, of course.

    For #1, you might also try a crop that focuses on the lake rather than the sky: the sky doesn't have much going on in this one
    Yes, I will try that too, but the image will become to 'Short', like a Panorama.

    Do you have any that were taken just after that moment?
    I must be having it. Took lots of pictures. Just kept clicking after every 30 secs.

    I think you were a little unlucky with the sunrise; since it was well above the horizon by the time it got above those clouds
    Dave, Actually there are mountains, which are not visible here because of the haze and then the clouds. So I couldn't have got it right above the Horizon. I was hoping for the same.

  10. #10

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    Well said, Colin. And I just love what you have done to the pic. I was not sure if this pic should have been PPed. Love it now. Do you mind if I make the same changes in the original RAW for posting? I guess you have increased the contrast and saturated it a little more?!?! And the cropping, of course.
    Hi Sahil,

    I don't mind at all - in fact, let's make it your "homework" ALL of the adjustments, apart from the cropping and border were done in ACR - so lets see if you can get it looking the same as it might give you a bit of a feel for what you can do next time. Honestly, I'd encourage everyone with every image to move each and every slider in ACR up and down and see if it improves their image (repeat as necessary). After a while you do get a good feel for what an image needs - but you only get that by moving the sliders around and seeing what they do - so don't be afraid to experiment. Be bold

  11. #11

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    I just checked in other pics, I could see more of the black spots. I guess those were the birds flying??

  12. #12

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Errr. Sir, I have done my home-work. And as always, it hasn't been upto the mark. But this time I was doing home-work at work-place.

    Early Morning Shots.

  13. #13

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    Errr. Sir, I have done my home-work. And as always, it hasn't been upto the mark. But this time I was doing home-work at work-place.
    Pretty good - but - step back and take a look at the whole image and see if you can see the slight "grayness". Now - pop back into ACR and raise the blacks (really black clipping point) and watch how it melts the grayness, and gives more definition to the detail (you could also do the same thing with the burn tool set to shadows, if you wanted to protect the shadow detail in the hills).
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 19th April 2010 at 09:03 AM.

  14. #14

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    PS: Did a little homework myself ...

    Early Morning Shots.

  15. #15

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Effin Hell! Is that really MY shot???? I did crop it, but did nothing else!!! And yea, I did see the "grayness". From next time, I am gonna step a bit back and see the pic.
    Thanks again, Colin.
    Have one 'Patiala Peg' from my side

  16. #16

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    I failed miserably in the 2nd homework
    All I could do was putting a warming filter to it Hats off, Colin!

  17. #17

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    "Departed Aliens" (Lets see if you can figure that one out!)

    Early Morning Shots.

  18. #18

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Sorry for being late in completing the homework. Old habits die hard!

    Early Morning Shots.

  19. #19

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    I really wish to know, how to bring out the colours, during PP

  20. #20

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    Re: Early Morning Shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    I really wish to know, how to bring out the colours, during PP
    Start by moving the sliders in ACR - get agressive with vibrance and saturation - and then play with the temperature / tint - push things to the limit!

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