I had been wondering about getting a small bridge camera to cover this sort of range but it wouldn't be used much and that usually means charging a battery any time I want to use it. So went for this lens instead. Not exactly pocketable but looks ok on an E-M1 even at full zoom. Might be a bit OTT on a Pen.
All metal and finish similar to the Oly Pro range but the Tamron logo looks a bit naff, not that I care - engraved and filled with white paint, dead plain.
A few quick test shots.
This one is full sized, taken for a CA check etc
Full sized
The rest are just general shots as the weather here isn't too good at the moment. SOOC jpg's just reduced and sharpened all camera enhancements off
I played around with the last one so thought I should do that one from raw as it gives a better idea of what the lens can do
Think I am reasonably pleased with it. Can't expect too much from a 10 to 1 zoom and from tests the Olympus version is a bit better but worth the extra cost??? I don't think so.