Originally Posted by
William W
I think it best to make something good out of your circumstance. You have time now to reflect on the time of the Photography that you had with your previous gear. That might be two or ten years, I don’t know, but in any case I would take one or two weeks and seriously look at what you have captured and what gear you used to capture it and where things fell short.
The first thing I would do is identify what I used the LEAST in my previous kit and I would not buy that item.
Secondly, I think it a bit silly to “wait for the release of” – if you liked your 6D and were used to using it then I would buy a replacement straight up and get back into the saddle and start enjoying your Photography. With that purchase I would buy only ONE lens – the lens identified as the MOST useful and then I would think for a few weeks on what I wanted to buy next.