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Thread: Cannot Afford Another FF So?

  1. #21
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot Afford Another FF So?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I read a comment recently that seems to be appropriate. This is just a general comment regarding the allocation of resources...

    If you want beautiful landscapes; which is better: to buy a new camera and search for images in your local park or stick with the gear you already have and use the money to travel to some scenic spot and shoot?

    Donald has done great work with his 40D and I submit these two images as an example of what can be done with a camera like the Canon 30D...

    Cannot Afford Another FF So?

    Cannot Afford Another FF So?

    When I was shooting at Yosemite with the 30D, I had no ideas that the camera wasn't any good
    Nah Richard. You could have posted bigger shots if the camera was any good.

    The truth is I feel PP counts for more and framing pays a part too. but where are your 1/3rds and leading lines, just where should we look etc.

    Ps. I'm probably having a reaction to a paying for courses thread and that may come into it for some. Worth it - rather dubious I feel. . PP course, probably worth while. The rest ???????? Semi rant over


  2. #22
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot Afford Another FF So?

    We have the 70D which is one of the cameras you are contemplating. Great little camera. It is very light, so can be unbalanced if you put L glass on it. If you are coming from a pro style control layout, you may find the controls a bit annoying, especially the combination controller on the back. I much prefer the control layout on the 5DIII, including the toggle button and large rear scroll wheel.

    7D and 7DII (we also have the former and a 5DIII) have a more pro layout and more robust body, for which you pay a premium.

    We have a 6D in my office and I would not buy another one. This is mainly because I find the lack of focus points a serious compromise compared with a 5DIII or 7DII.

    Personally I would not worry at all about full frame versus crop for what you are shooting. Just choose your lenses carefully.

    I am not of very advanced years but even I ball at lugging DSLR gear around: it is bulky and heavy. I am always on the lookout for the perfect lightweight camera. I have not found one that really suits me yet. But I feel your pain!

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