That's a great job Dan did ya get it to stay still? They will blow away at the slightest draft of air.
Thanks. I did it inside, and I stood very, very still. After lifting the mirror, I stood still again and looked for any motion before tripping the shutter.
It would be better to do this in a room with a concrete floor. Mine is wood.
I like this one better than the last one, perhaps for it's simplicity. You have some very enticing images on your SmugMug web pages Dan. I very much enjoyed looking through them!
I prefer this shot too, Dan, because it shows the full length of the filaments.
Another good one Dan.
Very nice, Dan..I prefer both...and they are already in your smugmug site too. It has different merits, the first one being silky and this one resembles a firework shape without the different colours. Very simple execution. Saying you keep very, very still, does this mean you shot this handheld? Just curious...
Thanks, all. Frank: thanks for the comment on my smugmug site. I really do need to cull some stuff from it, and your comment will spur me to do it. Izzie--no, it wouldn't be possible (for me at least) to do 19 shots of something like this handheld and stack the images. I used a variation of the setup I have posted before: the camera on a tripod with a remote release and the flower held by a Wimberley plamp.