This is an image I made tonight as a result of my slide copying experiment. The original Kodachrome slide was shot in Utah in the 70s (eeek!). I took my digital copy and processed it in SEP.
[IMG]DSC_0689 by onesun1moon, on Flickr[/IMG]
This is an image I made tonight as a result of my slide copying experiment. The original Kodachrome slide was shot in Utah in the 70s (eeek!). I took my digital copy and processed it in SEP.
[IMG]DSC_0689 by onesun1moon, on Flickr[/IMG]
That's wonderful. Excellent bit of processing. Don't know what the slide was like, but you've really brought up the deatil with bthis.
Thanks, Donald.
Here's my original copy SOOC:
[IMG]DSC_0689 (2) by onesun1moon, on Flickr[/IMG]
I'm wondering whether I should try split toning with something closer to the colours of the original.
Nice effort, how you choose to further process should be based on your particular tastes. Is there something about the first effort that you don't like?
Newspaper Rock is a really cool place and so easy to get to!
I have the impression from your SOOC version that the slide has had a significant color shift over the years, perhaps because it was stored in an area with too much heat and humidity.
I like your very contrasty treatment of the monochrome version. It would make a great note card. Consider also making a less contrasty version that retains the detail in the rock formation itself, as opposed to just the "painted" figures, that you captured in the original color version.
Thanks, John and Mike. I think my response to either one of you will answer you both. I am quite shocked at how radically the colour appears to have shifted in some of my slides and well retained it is in others. I am wracking my brains trying to understand why, as they have all been stored together in plastic sleeves--aha!! maybe the sleeves are not all the same quality!!--in the same location. But oddly enough, Mike, I don't think it in fact shifted in this one, as the colour matches the top photo on the monument's Wikipedia page. It is nothing more than slavish devotion to reality that is making me rethink my processing choice, John, now that I realize that the colour of the slide is not that much of a perversion. As far as the contrast goes, I did want to emphasize the petroglyphs and thought the image was a little too busy as is. But I think I went a little too far, as one of the things that I think is really cool about the slide is that you can see the fainter older engravings, but I think I have lost them somewhat in the b&w.
And yes, Mike, this is a great site. As you say, it is not hard to get to, and well worth the trip!
Last edited by purplehaze; 22nd November 2014 at 05:27 PM.
I noticed today that the ones that have noticeably shifted are in blank holders, so presumably not Kodachrome. What is odd is that they have shifted to green. I have gathered from my reading today that slides normally lose green and blue first and fade to red. Curious. Maybe it is not a shift at all, and I shot them that way.
In my reading, I came across this little tutorial on correcting the colour shifts in scanned photos, which I found extremely helpful for more than just this purpose and thought others might, too.