I have several older digital cameras (two Olympus and one Nikon) from the 1990's. The cameras like the Olympus 5050Z and a Nikon Coolpix) are not worth much money at all, yet they still take reasonably decent pictures.
I am going to set these cameras up with Vivitar 2500 Flash units ($10 to $20 on eBay) and equip them with a three dollar reflector/diffuser
The Vivitar 2500 can bounce and when using the reflector/diffuser will be able to produce quite reasonable photos of our rescue dogs. Especially if I set up the camera and flash into basically a point and shoot arrangement.
So, for about a total of sixty U.S. Dollars, I will have three reasonably decent bounce flash capable camera outfits to loan (or give) to our volunteers. This would be well worth it to me to upgrade the rescue dog images that I have been getting from our volunteers. I can make this into a kit and include fleece throw for background and a thin lead for controlling the dogs. And an instruction booklet on how to improve the dog images....