ajohnw #12
I have both the Raynox 2020 and the Olympus TCON x1.7 ... the later no longer made I believe.
Both are of similar IQ but I prefer the TCON as it permits me to zoom back [ on my x12 zoomed Panasonic FZ50 ] to about x7 before it vignettes. It is very frustrating to be 'too close' after fitting the adaptor. The 2020 starts almost immediately. [It was my first purchase]
Both 'consume' about a third of a stop when used on the FZ50 but when used with my 14-140 the already slow f/5.8 becomes effectively about f/10 though this doesn't affect focusing as such an aperture might with tele converters on a DSLR rig.
I have not used the 2020 in a couple of years while the TCON accompanies my GH2 and although it vignettes somewhat it gives near to a 500mm AoV from the 280mm AOV without it.
Of course I would be better to get the 100-300 lens for the GH2 but with the 950mm AoV of Raynox on FZ50 I don't see I have a need with the little photography I'm doing these days , nor into bird watching
The 2020 is an earlier version of the 2025 and doesn't have a lenshood thread, I made my hood out of a plastic drainpipe connector, very slight vignetting but improves IQ considerably.

Shows rig with collar to mount on tripod [ 3" thick wall aluminium tube I happened to have around

This is a quarter crop when using the 2020 with my earlier FZ30.
This fellow wouldn't come and play, TCON on 14-140
Hope these comments help you until you find one to play with